"I've been lying to all of you, I have seen Lacy. I've seen her, I've talked to her, I've.....touched her."

Wolf sat down and studied him but didn't speak. Everyone else began to murmur collectively, the only person who didn't seem surprised was Zeke.

"How many times have you seen her?" Ty asked.

"Quite a few."

"And?" Wolf prompted.

"I woke up and one of the Aces was standing beside my bed, with Lacy. He was going to kill me and she shot him. After that I didn't want to believe she'd really betray us, I convinced myself that something else was going on."

"Well, is there something else going on?" Wolf asked.


Everyone collectively looked away from him, obviously just as hurt as he was to find out Lacy was a traitor. While they were closest everyone loved her and the betrayal burned deep in all of them.

"The last time I spoke to her she all but confirmed she'd switched sides, and it goes back further than just this war."

"How far?" Zeke asked.

"I don't know for sure but....before Iris was shot."

"Shit, that long?" Wolf asked.

"Yeah, she told me that....she told King when to do the drive-by. She told him you were in the yard, the bullet was meant for you."

Zeke cursed under his breath, Sky and Ty both looked completely stricken. Demon dared a glance at Wolf who had tensed, his hand clenched into a fist.

"She could have killed Iris," Wolf said, his jaw clenched.

"I know."

"So, what's the call boss?" Ty asked Wolf.

"Ask Demon," Wolf motioned to the other man.

"We have to sweep the rug out from under King, no more playing his games and waiting around. We go in hot and we kill everyone in the building."

"You know where he's staying?" Wolf asked.


"What about Lacy?" Ty asked.

"If you see her, kill her." Demon said.

"You're okay with that?" Wolf asked.

"No, but....there's no help for her now."

"I don't know, it doesn't seem right. Lacy was one of us," Sky said.

"Well she isn't anymore," Ty told him.

"When do you want to move on King?" Wolf asked Demon.

"Call every reserve person you can get, call the brothers from the Canada chapter. If we do this we do it with everything we have."

"That could take two or three days," Wolf warned.

"Fine, but this has to end."

"And Lacy? Can you live with your decision?" Wolf asked.

"She made me weak, I turned my back on what was really happening. I couldn't stand it if I lost one of you over it, if you make the call I'll abide by it and I won't fight it anymore."

Wolf stared at the other man for a minute, seeming to roll other possibilities and ideas around before he gave a nod.

"Alright then, I'll make a ruling."

Demon took his seat and Wolf stood, the other members all turning their attention to their leader and falling silent.

"In the case of the war with the Aces Wild, I hereby call a death sentence on anyone associate with the club. In a few days we will storm that compound and I want everyone dead, no prisoners and no negotiating. If it moves and doesn't wear our colors you kill it."

The men all gave a nod of approval and Wold turned to Demon.

"In the case of Lacy, I sentence her to the same fate as the Aces Wild. A swift sentence of death and a stripping of her title and patches. She will not be allowed a funeral nor the proper respect and as of this moment is no longer a member of the Animals."

He slammed his gavel onto the table signaling his final decision and the end of the meeting. The other men all stood and one by one filed out of the room, Morgan meeting Zeke at the doors with his water. Demon remained in his chair, staring numbly at the table and Wolf sank into his seat.

"I am sorry about Lacy," Wolf said.

"Don't be, she almost killed you."

"Yes, she did but like you I wanted to believe it wasn't true."

"I just wish she would have told me why."

"There is still time to find out, we won't be able to move in on Kings hide out for at least two more days even with Raphael's help."

"You would be okay if I kept contact with her until then?" Demon asked.

"More than okay, I encourage it. If she slips and lets any information go that may aide our fight I won't be angry. However, I'll let the decision in your hands. If you choose not to see her I would understand."

"She may get suspicious if I back off, but she's the enemy."

"I trust you, you just came clean and I know it was hard. I trust you to remain faithful to the club."

Demon gave a grim nod and Wolf stood, moving toward the door he stopped to give Demon a light pat on the shoulder as he passed.

His heart felt heavy, now that Wolf made the announcement Lacy was as good as dead. He knew it was for the best of the club but he couldn't deny that the thought nearly broke his heart.

Damaged Lace. *The Animals MC book two.*Where stories live. Discover now