Bluer Skies and Sunsets

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Every time I thought I was going up,
I'd slide down into the trenches like
Hamlet the tragic hero

Everyone who tried to fill this trench,
Only used shallow, hollow, unforgiving rocks
I didn't know rocks could break, but they were a facade

It was like scratching fake jewelry,
Scratch it and see its true color
The rocks didn't fill anything up but give me a piece of mind

For once when I trusted support this one time
The silver, was true silver
My trench wasn't a trench anymore

I was finally going back to the blue skies,
How beautiful all the sunsets were
As I had risen and they had set

He was a blue sky brushed with clouds as blushing cheeks
The blood red sun was my lip color
Even when it became his too

The feeling was happiness,
Now they tell me how happy I am
Wouldn't anyone be happy with the sunset in front of them?
The warm security of his arms
Coming back everyday like I counted on now

Nothing was sweeter than the temptation of happiness
I'm always happy now
Cloudy days weren't a problem anymore

This time it was worth it,
He isn't everyone,
Once I fell in love again..

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2016 ⏰

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