Broken Angel

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Blinded angel, not I, but him

My plate began to grow with too much and started to crack
I knew if I took something off it would make it easier
I also cracked what I took off though

My angel was blinded and never saw it coming what I had brought
Simple couldn't have the angel with me anymore
Starting to wavier on the path I needed to be on

Taking the angel off the path with me wasn't easy
I contemplated and thought and thought
I knew someone would get hurt
The worst part was that both of us got hurt

I tried to steer him off the best way I could
But he crashed and tried to run too fast
Completely broken I found him
He tells me to leave him as I wanted to in the first place

It was for my best to keep going even though I had stepped on his wings
I hope he can keep going without me
The way I will without him

But a broken angel will learn and soar on his own and again, just without me

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