Chapter Nine

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"Gwen!" Karyn hissed, shaking the redhead by her shoulders. Gwen groggily opened her eyes and quickly caught Karyn's hand before she got slapped in the face. The brunette had unusual tactics when it came to waking someone up.

"What?" Gwen croaked, sitting up and rubbing her back. She had been asleep on Victory, with Dyfar under her arm. Victory mumbled in his sleep and covered his muzzle with his forepaws, while Dyfar rolled over and pulled his coat closer to his body.

"I heard something coming." Karyn whispered, peering around nervously. Gwen let go of her friend's hand and stood up hurriedly.

Gwen tensed when the trees above them rustled and wing beats were heard. Dyfar was startled awake, his purple eyes wide with fear. Karyn rushed to his side and hauled him to his feet, wrapping her arms around his shoulders.

Gwen stood with her back facing her younger companions, holding her arms out and staring upwards. A flash of gold caught her attention. Then, with a roar, Malda crashed through the treetops and landed awkwardly on the forest floor.

He shook his head to rid himself of the twigs, he easily folded in his shimmering wings and stared at Gwen with his purple eyes. He was quite small for a dragon, Gwen assumed he was still young. But that didn't explain why he was in control of the Empress's spy squad.

Malda cleared his throat, a rumbling sound, "I was sent to check on you, but I think I was spotted."

"Malda?!" Gwen shrieked, "who the hell sent you to check on us?" Gwen still had her arms spread to protect Karyn and Dyfar, she felt Dyfar grip her pale hand.

Malda looked surprised, "The Empress did." he huffed.

"Oh, for the love of Barnock," Gwen muttered. She lowered her hands and turned on her heel.

"We're fine!" Gwen said, smacking Victory on the rump to wake him up. when the lion stood tall, Gwen lifted Dyfar so he sat on Victory's back, she then lifted Karyn and placed her behind Dyfar. Gwen looked back at Malda, an idea forming in her mind.

"We need to split roads," Gwen said, she unbuckled her retractable dagger from where it was strapped to her thigh and handed it to Karyn. "I'll fly ahead on Malda, you three catch up with me later."

Gwen looked Dyfar in the eye, fear. "Edward Hood is too dangerous for all five of us to rush at, at once! And remember this was originally a bounty hunt!" Gwen turned and glanced at Malda, "Malda wasn't invited, Dyfar was unplanned, Karyn shouldn't of come...but we're a family now." Gwen put her hand on Dyfar's knee before stepping back quickly.

"Take care of them, Vic." Victory nodded and ran off. Dyfar cried out and reached a hand out to his Mother, Karyn held him around the waist so he wouldn't try to get back to her.

"Come on!" Gwen shouted in enthusiasm. She nimbly climbed up Malda's leg and swung herself over his neck, her cloak billowing out around her.

Without a minutes hesitation, Malda took to the skies. Gwen held on tightly with her legs so her hands were free. The golden dragon flew over the forest, if Gwen looked hard enough she could make out Victory running through the trees.

Gwen had never really ridden a dragon before. When she was seven Victory had taken her to the heart of the forest so she could play with the baby dragons, she had sat on the mother's back and dreamed about flying through the skies.

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