Chapter Three

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The Empress had been calmly walking through the forest and admiring the birds, before a body fell from the sky and landed with a heavy thump in front of her.

She arched one of her orange eyebrows, "Seriously, Fern? Now?" She said to the green dragon. Fern shrugged her shoulders, her wings rustling.

Thane groaned and sat up, staring into the blue eyes of the Empress, "Where am I? Who are you?" He mumbled in confusion.

"I am the Empress of Dragons, and you are in the forests just east of Redfandor." She spoke in a strong voice. Thane looked her up and down; her fiery hair was long and tangled, her brilliant blue eyes were shockingly familiar. She wore no fine robes, nor a crown. Her clothes were simple, a fur-lined deerskin jacket that was buttoned up, brown hunting trousers, a few earrings were threaded through her pointed ears. Her black heeled boots were knee-high and around her neck was a dragon-rider's necklace.

"I expected a castle." Thane chuckled, the Empress narrowed her eyes, "You'll still be in a dungeon!" She shouted. She swiftly moved her hand upwards, roots shot up from the forest floor, encasing Thane in a cage of trees.

"You will stay in there until I see fit to release you," she spoke calmly. "Fern. Guard him." she snapped. Fern nodded and lay down behind the tree cage, wrapping her tail around it. The Empress turned to walk away, she stopped and turned slightly, "How old are you, and what is your name?"

Thane hesitated, he looked puzzled, "I've lived for nineteen years, my name is Thane" he said. The Empress smiled and turned her back on the caged human.

"Nesenth!" The Empress called into the treetops. A golden dragon swooped down and landed in front of her, his scales shining like a beacon.

'Yes?' He asked, his voice was loud in the Empress's mind. He couldn't speak using his mouth, so he communicated through telepathy. "Gather the report from the wilds." Nesenth nodded and flew away in a flurry.

Beating his wings mightily, the golden dragon circled Redfandor before heading towards the forests growing among the mountains. Far from the town, Gwen and Victory ran hard. Victory was snarling and panting heavily, while Gwen was hunched over his back with her hands gripping his mane.

Victory kicked up the dust, sending clouds of it disappearing behind them. He skidded to a stop as Gwen tugged forcefully at his mane. She gasped, smoke was rising from up ahead, and the smell of burnt flesh and wood hung in the air.

Jutting her heels into Victory's ribcage absentmindedly, Gwen held tightly to his mane as he started to run at full speed. It soon came into sight; a small cluster of charred house skeletons. The remains of livestock still burning, sending rancid smells into the air.

Gwen scrunched up her nose in disgust, her fragile senses were greatly affected by the sight. Scraps of burnt cloth blew in the wind, a small doll lay on the ground where a child had dropped it.

Victory wandered the streets silently, Gwen perched on his back tensely. She twisted her body slowly and looked over her shoulder, her left hand moved from gripping Victory's mane, to resting on his rump.

"We were too late." Victory said. He did not sound sad, nor sorrowful, for Victory was not a lion to show emotions.

A faint cough alerted Gwen, she slipped off her father's back and ran towards a pile of rubble. Gracefully, she used one foot at a time to kick off bits of rock and burnt planks of wood. And finally, she leaped onto the top of the pile, standing in a tense position.

"Gwenevere!" Victory growled, placing a paw unsurely at the base of the pile. He knew he would not be able to climb up there as she had done, so he waited patiently at the bottom.

Gwen lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the sun, she scanned the ground in front of her. She heard the cough again, her eyes darted further ahead, and without much thought, she slid down the pile of rubble. She used a collapsed piece of wall that was still intact, her right arm was behind her for support, her gloved hand lightly brushing the stone and igniting sparks.

Reaching the bottom, she took off at a run as soon as her feet touched the ground. Her cloak billowed out behind her, her heavy footsteps disturbed the ash and embers, her fire-coloured hair furiously danced in the wind and bounced off her back.

She skidded to a stop in a crouch, one hand rested on the piece of wall that had collapsed on top of a young boy. He coughed up blood and lifted his head to stare at the shadow looming over him.

Gwen braced her knees against the hard ground and gripped the edge of the stone. Drawing in a breath, she tensed her muscles and began to lift. Her face contorted in concentration and she gritted her teeth in pain.

"Victory!" She yelled through clenched teeth, she shifted her hands so her palms were lifting the weight and not just her fingers.

Victory, having heard her call, pounced onto the pile of rubble that Gwen had climbed over only moments ago. He slipped down the other side, his body stable. The dirt and rocks under his paws was slippery and smooth.

He jumped down before he crashed at the bottom of the pile. He jogged over to Gwen and braced his shoulders as he dove his head under the collapsed wall. He snarled and began to rise, lifting the wall with his massive shoulder blades.

Grunting in agony, Gwen gave one last burst of strength. And the wall flipped, crumbling into pieces as it hit the ground. The young boy coughed and flipped onto his back, Gwen sat on her knees beside him. She lifted his head and rested it on her lap.

His unusual lilac eyes gazed up at Gwen, his black hair blowing into his face. Gwen stroked his hair out of the way, her soft hands bringing comfort to the boy. He raised a hand to the sky, reaching out to the light.

His hand fell to the ground and he closed his eyes. Finding peace in the arms of the stranger who had saved him. He was vaguely aware of being lifted up, Gwen mounted Victory with the boy held tightly to her chest.

"Go to sleep, Kid. It'll be alright."

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