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Darkness surrounded me for the first time since I had arrived in this second rate motel. I had been up for at least the last two days. I had been so warn out yet unable to sleep...well until now. Sleep had finally come. I knew I was dreaming due to the fact that my dead Grandmamma was standing in front of me. Over a year had passed since I had last seen her alive. Killed by either one of the Fallen, who were what humans referred to as demons, or by one of the Order which were angels. My ex-boyfriend Cayn had hinted that the Order had been responsible and that my old neighbor/best friend Jude might have known more about my Grandmamma's death then he let on. Unfortunately, that was not the worse of the news I had been dealt with over the last 48 hours.

Jude was a Cursed One, neither angel, nor demon, nor like me. I was the daughter of the union between an angel and a demon. Unique as far as anyone knew. No, Jude was not like me. He was an assassin due to him being cast out of heaven but refusing to go to hell. He had spent centuries hunting demons and was one of the best. In fact, up until two years ago, I was on his hit list. The Order believes me to be the undoing of the world. I am the key to destroy either the Fallen or the Order, but only the Fallen see the value in keeping me alive. They were the ones who hid me from the Order when the Order killed my Mom just days after I was born. Ironically enough, Jude had been there when my mother was killed, though we hadn't the time to discuss his actual involvement due to demons bursting into my house in hopes of dragging me to Hell.

Grandmamma smiled at me knowingly. "Lilly, my dear, what have you done?" she asked.

"I don't know." I answered honestly. My life was a mess right now. I had only just hours before been fighting for my life and now I was holed up in some lame motel. Grandmamma waved her arms in a circular motion and a pond formed in front of us. I peered into it as all three men appeared. My breath caught as I spotted Levi.

Levi, gorgeous, mysterious, bad boy, Levi. He was my undoing. The only man I had ever been with... and he had used me. I had been his one night stand and when I woke up I thought the pain of rejection would kill me. Even now, after he hurt me, I still longed to be with him. 'It would never happen' I reminded myself. Levi was a bad man, not as bad as my actual ex, Cayn but bad. Cayn was crazy, psycho serial killer type, where Levi was more the steal your heart, make you fall in love with him, and then leave you type. I wasn't sure which was better, but at least with Cayn I knew I just hated him, no lingering feelings or hope of reuniting, just plain, simple, hate. Levi on the other hand, well I could still smell the scent of his body, taste the deliciousness of his mouth and feel every place his fingers had touched on my naked body.

"What have you done?" she asked again, both of us staring into the pond. The water swelled distorting the three male images. I watched as the pond turned red, the water becoming thick. I turned to look at my Grandmamma, wondering what was going on. Without a word she walked into the pond, her body quickly sinking into the blood.

"Lilly, what have you done?" she asked once more as I struggled to reach her. Some unbeknownst force was stopping me from jumping in the pond after her. I screamed, but not a sound came out.

The images turned into three figures, which rose out of the blood that had sucked my Grandmamma in. Jude stood in the middle, he was wearing a long duster, jeans and a white t- shirt he looked badass. His blonde hair was short, almost military style but not quite. He had shades covering his blue eyes which was a shame, she I could tell there was no life to this avatar. Jude wasn't really here, just like my Grandmamma hadn't been. It was weird because I wasn't even sure if Jude was dead or alive.

To Jude's left was Levi, dressed in tight jeans and black knit shirt. He looked just like I remember him. His tattoos were covered, which was a change. He had jet black hair which was always very short, just a smidge off shaven, and his brown eyes often reminded me of thick gooey caramel rather than chocolate.

Cayn stood on Jude's right looking much like how I remembered less than a day ago. He was shorter then both Jude and Levi, but not by much, maybe an inch or two at most, with Levi being the tallest. I was 5'8" and Cayn was no more than maybe 5'10", whereas Levi and Jude both seem to stand over 6 feet. Cayn was still dressed in khakis and a long sleeve blue knit light weight sweater. Just like the all-round boy next door that mummy and daddy would want a nice girl to bring home. He had lush dark brown hair and his eyes were the same in color. If Cayn were angry or crazy his eyes became black but for now they were their nice, melted dark chocolate color. He looked like a nice guy, footballer, popular and the guy I had always wanted but never got.

We might have stayed together if it hadn't been for my uncontrollable feelings towards Levi, and Cayn's need to fuck anything with legs...including people I thought were my friends. Plus, there was the whole trying to use mess his baby-mamma, so he could take over the world issue that had gotten between us. I found myself laughing at the thought. Who was I kidding? I hated him; even now I hated this fake image of him. Cayn had tormented me and killed my last living relative, my Uncle Stewart, leaving my uncle's body for me to find. There was no coming back from that.

"I hate you!" I yelled at the fake Cayn. The avatar didn't even blink. Instead he pointed to a forth figure who appeared. The figure rode through the others on his motorbike making Jude, Levi and Cayn disappear. Then the mysterious stranger turned his motorbike on me. I woke, sweat dripping from me. I didn't want to sleep anymore...not if it meant more dreams like that. 

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