Chapter Ten - Loving Your Enemy

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     Rocks continued to tumble and fall in the bunker. Small pebbles began to pile up in corners.

     Tashil and Vashti started punching their fists into each other's jaw as they saw how evenly matched they were at swordplay. They punched, kicked, and thrashed their elbows. They continued to fight for what seemed to be moments at a time. Melody and Liz continued to pull away fallen rocks out of the way. Their shackles clacking back and forth under the falling rocks and pressure.

    Herbert had been panting and breathing hard. He sweat and puckered his lips the more his mouth began to dry as he bled out.

    Wyatt gave him his water to hydrate his mouth. Herbert was surprised to see his enemy - the one who stabbed him - a water to quench his thirst. Wyatt understood his confusion.

    "I didn't mean to stab you, I only looked to protect ny teacher. I admire the sacrifice you made for the girl," Wyatt told him.

    "I'm just slave, you don't need to feel this worry over someone like me," Herbert said, surprised by Wyatt's kindness.

     "It is the will of my teacher that everyone is equal, and that all can be treated like they are worth great things, and anyone has the chance to make a difference," Wyatt said to him. Herbert's eyes widened at that, and he celebrated the kindness of his former enemies and their revolutionary ideals. Soldiers never would have showed such generosity.

    Tashil and Vashti continued to go at it in their own way, fist to fist, knee to knee, arm against arm, leg against leg, foot to foot, head to head. It was nonstop, over and over. Rocks, pebbles, and all sorts of debris fell from around them and piled up along side the small room. It was shaking and trembling throughout. Wyatt and Herbert began to worry for their lives. Liz and Melody saw that they'd be stuck, still closed in with no headway into moving the rocks away from the entrance. They pushed the rocks back and pulled others away from the stairs entirely, but they just fell right back into place afterward.

    On the outside, Izan ran desperately toward the open bunker to rescue his fellow brothers. He grabbed rocks out rapidly and almost mechanically started throwing them away without any thought into his next movement.

     Yolanda was holding tight on her left arm and just dazed off into space, not really pondering much of anything save Izan's words to her. She turned around and noticed Izan's crazed expression and worried face trying to removed the rocks barracading the door so that it couldn't cave in any further. She ran to him.

    "Hey, you okay? You're looking really anxious and all," Yolanda told him.

    "Wyatt and Vashti mean the world to me, I can't go on without them. I don't know what I'd do if they died here. So I need to rescue them. I have to," Izan wiped his eyes and spoke desperately. He choked on words. Yolanda blinked for a moment, butbshe understood exactly what Izan meant. She felt the same for Liz and Herbert, and so she began to help Izan grab fallen debris and move it away. Metal, cement, and rock piled up all across the flattened group where the facility once stood.

    A crevice was made in the barrier of rock between the bunker and safety, and light gleamed brightly inside the darkness of the room and slowly grew in size as Yolanda and Izan dug from the outside and Liz and Melody dug from the inside.

    With that, an opening large enough for them to fit was forged and Yolanda and Liz called to each other across the impossible distance to freedom. Liz's smile blew up brightly. Izan called to Wyatt and Vashti that they needed to exit right away.

     Vashti and Tashil were still in intense combat and neither of them seemed to budge or give each other an inch. The hostile reality that neither of them might conclude this fight alive sunk in, yet in their hatred, life and death were just side conflicts. For honor versus humility was on the line. Strength versus suffering. Power versus passion. The reign of a tyrant against the inspiration of a prophet. More than just their fight had been on the line.

    They understood the grave reality along with the great outcome that foresaw the events of the meeting in Corbia, and everything came into their minds like a crashing wave. This would be their greatest and last chance to dish everything they've bottled up inside against one another at long last. Stored vengeance. Unforgotten resent.

    Wyatt carried out Herbert from the crumbling bunker, but dropped his dagger. Vashti cut part of Tashil's hand causing him ti drop his own dagger in turn. Two knives on the floor, but one held in the hands of the prophet who pointed it straight at Tashil's neck. Wyatt and Herbert successfully climbed out of the underground room with Herbert on his back. He rejoiced with Izan when they saw each other.

    Yolanda went further inside to clear the rest of the debris and hug Liz. Liz looked to Melody and told her to come with them out of the bunker, but she refused. Rather she insisted that King Tashil still needed her help. Tashil was the last thing on Liz's mind, but she started staring at the fight between the king and the prophet and merely shook her head.

    "Slaves like us have no place in a battle like that," Liz said to her.

    "That may be true, but if the king is to call on me, I am to be by his side however I can," Melody shared her loyalty to the tyrant king.

    The room had started to crack loudly and severly, and a large chunk of the facility's bottom floor could very well fall into and collapse the underground room. The situation grew dim.

    Wyatt rushed back into the room to rescue Vashti before it was knocked down. Yolanda had been taking further care of Herbert. Izan watched. Liz rushed back in to further reason with Melody, but Melody wouldn't even look her in the face. Wyatt came down and yelled that the bunker was sure to collapse in less than a minute. Tashil had swiped up both of the knives which had laid upon the ground and vehemently and viciously attacked Vashti with them. His two daggers now overpowering Vashti's knife.

    Wyatt saw his teacher's struggle and rushed to help him. Melody rushed at the same time. Wyatt bulldozed into Tashil causing him to fall towards Vashti. Vashti jumped over him as he crashed into the ground and dropped the knives. A giant crack now formed across the ceiling of the bunker room. Melody tried to run to her king's side, but Liz grabbed her shoulder to stop her, saying that there was nothing they could do. Melody didn't believe her. A large rumble was heard throughout the small enclosure that let out a monstrous echo.

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