Chapter 29

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D'yonce P.O.V

I am currently in the nursery with the kids while their in their playpen.

Blake walked into the room and started speaking "Are you okay". he asked.

"Leave me alone". I said.

"Talk to me". he said.

"Talk to you". I shrugged."You should of think on that before you bring her in this house". I said.

"I didn't think it was that big of a deal". He said.

"Oh really imagine I bring my ex here because he has no where to go would you like it". I said raising my voice.

He possessively growled.

'See. As your mate you have to talk to me. I deserve to know as your mate, the Luna of this pack. You need to talk to me".

"Well you know what I wanted to help her since you don't fucking understand that's your business".

Aiden and Arya started crying.

"I can't believe you just screamed in front of your children while using foul language"

"Well she is my baby's mothers I'm supposed to care for her and my babies too. I didn't mean to hurt you".

"You should've think of that before you had sexual intercourse".

He ran his hand through his hair clearly stressed.

"Well i'm going to a neighboring pack for 2 days". Do you think you'll be okay".

"I was fine the two days you were gone I can handle another 2". I said.

"Whatever". he said

"Bye Arya Bye Aiden". He said as he kissed them.

I looked out the window and saw Blake driving out.

I then decided to order a pizza and watch movies with my babies.

I got up and got the bottles and started pumping for the babies.

I was finished with two bottles.

I was about to pick a movie when I heard a knock on the door "pizza's here".

I headed to the door and paid.

I placed the pizza down and placed inside out to watch.

I still love my cartoons.

I was watching the movie when I felt a presence behind me.

"Hi Joanni". said.

"Hi" I said awkwardly.

"Can I watch the movie with you".


*2 hours later*

We finished the movie and I was pretty tired.


"Bye" she said.

I picked the babies up and headed upstairs.

I placed them in their crib and decided to sleep nude.


Joanni P.O.V

After she headed upstairs and I made sure she closed the door and I headed outside.

I called my baby to give him some update.

"Hey baby"

"Sup hun".

"I've got in".

"Soon we'll take over and own that pack".

"Yes and I'll get the babies I want".

"Watever. Why would you even want to take D'yonce's babies when you have your own".

"Because it was just a sperm donor that did this no big deal".

"Dont fucking push me. I do what I want. You may be my mate but I'll still kill you".

"Okay okay someone's a bitch today". He said.


"Anyways I gotta go. Love you".

"Love you too Jamie".

To think I fucked two brothers. Blake made a wrong decision in trusting me.

Time to go dream about my baby Blake.


Hey guys sorry but I've had a major writers block but I'm really trying.
Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter as I did writing it.

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