Chapter 24

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D'yonce P.O.V

I grabbed the baby bag and Blake grabbed the car seat and we headed to the car.

We headed into the car and Blake was driving so fast I think he wanted me to have the baby in the car.

When we reached the hospital Blake told the nurse to put me in the private room.

When we headed inside the room, the nurse ran all the checkups. I changed into the clothes and was on the bed.

I saw Blake sitting there looking at me weirdly.

"What's wrong" I ask as another contraction happened.

"Just looking how lucky I am to have you as my mate". he replied.

He came over and gave me kiss it was getting steamy till I pushed him off.


"2 hours later*

The contractions started really bad. I called the nurse and she said "its time to push".

I saw the doctor came in he sat in between me and I must say it's was really awkward. I spread my legs and got ready to push.

"Ready"? he asked.

I shaked my head yes.

"Push" he said.

I pushed.

5 more pushes later

"I can't do it". I said

"Baby you can do it". Blake encouraged.

I pushed some more.

"Its a boy". the doctor said.

The nurse showed Blake and I our baby boy.

I started to tear up. Blake wiped my tears away.

He looks just like Blake but has my eyes.

"Baby he is one handsome boy". Blake said.

"What do you want to name him". I asked.

"I want to name him Aiden Seth Miller". Blake said.

"That's such a nice name baby". I said as I kissed him.

I felt another contraction the nurse said "its time again".

"No I'm tired". I said, "can we take a break please".

"Come on baby you can do it". Blake said.

"Are you the one pushing a fucking human out of you". I barked.

"Push". the doctor said.

I pushed.

"Push some more sweety you're almost there". the doctor said.

I pushed some more.

"1 more push". the doctor said.

I pushed some more and the nurse said. "You're baby girl is here".

She handed our little baby girl to Blake and I.

"What do you want to name her". I asked Blake.

"I want you to name her baby". He replied.

"Okay I'll name her Arya Rose Miller". I replied.

"It's beautiful just like you hun". Blake said.

"Now everyone has your last name". I said.

"Everyone except you". Blake said. He gave the nurse Arya and got on one knee and said.

"Baby I love you so dearly you just gave birth to our baby's. We have had a rough road and I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. I know I am not the best man for you but I want to try to be the one for you. Will you D'yonce Walters marry me Blake Miller".

I was crying my eyes out I saw the nurse filming us.

"I will". I said.

Blake kissed my lips and putted the ring on my finger.

The nurse carried our baby to us and I saw my big boy Aiden. He saw me and smiled at me.

My princes Arya was crying so I took out my nipple and she lapped on very quickly. She stopped instantly.

I saw Blake look at me with lust seeing my nipples out must turn him on. He will never stop being a pervert.

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