Chapter 25

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[Aiden and Arya photo above]

Today we are heading home with the babies. My family came and saw the babies and I. Jamie came, Jermika came, different people from the pack also.

I gathered all of my baby stuff while Blake got the car seats ready in the back.

Blake carried Arya while I carried Aiden. I saw Aiden smiling at me and was cooing he is so handsome.

We placed our babies in the seat and I saw our princess sleeping. Blake started the car and started driving home.

When we reached home I got out and took my princess and Blake carried our boy.

When we I opened the door I heard

"Surprise". from everyone.

I was so shocked. I put the babies in their seats and sat on the coach with them while everyone was laughing and smiling.

I saw my family, pack members. I couldn't believe it was my grandparents. I never knew anything much about them but I used to spend summers with them.

I saw everyone congratulating me. I saw my old pack friends.

I then heard Blake spook.

"Thank you for coming to this little get together. But I would like if everyone could retreat to the backyard".

I saw everyone moving to the back. Blake stayed back and was currently watching me.

"Thank you baby for hosting this. I love you so much". I said.

"You're welcome babe you deserve it".
He replied.

I then whispered in his ears. "I hope I have more surprises later". As I grabbed his dick.

I then heard my grand mom saying "you young children always trying to get it in anywhere". I felt so embarrassed. I pushed my face into the crook of Blake's neck. He was just laughing. I then looked at my grand mom and she started saying.

"Emmit(granddad) and I used to get it on everywhere the park the -,

"OK grand mom that's enough". I said as I cutted her off. "Blake carry her outside and come back to carry a baby upstairs". I said.

"Okay". Blake said and carried my grand mom outside and came back and carried Arya.

I headed upstairs and Blake headed back outside to keep the guest happy.

I placed the twins to watch TV while I hurried and took a shower.

I took a quick bathe and I wore a summer dress and some sandals. I curled my hair and added a little bit of eye make up.

I saw that the twins were up. I carried them into the sink of our bathroom and wet a rag and wiped them. I clothed them and put them in their my strap and headed outside.

I placed them in the strollers and wheeled outside. I was so surprised. I saw food on every picnic table I saw a stage, friends and friends and more.

I saw Jermika came over to me and said "Congrats on your babies".

"Thanks". I said she then headed out.

I saw Blake walked over to me and told me to sit and gave me food.

I saw the twins crying so I fed them. I couldn't even eat.

I saw Blake headed onstage and began speaking

"I want you to welcome my mate and the mother of my children D'yonce Walters".

I was nervous so I just shook my head no.

"Come on guys encourage her to come". Blake said, and everyone started screaming my names.

I saw my mom took the twins next to her. I started walking up on stairs and stood next to my husband to be.

Then Blake said "I will like to welcome D'yonce to the Moonlight Warriors Pack. We have to do the ritual".

"Don't worry it won't hurt". he said.

He picked up a knife a placed a cut in his palm and healed it over a rock that is carved into a sign of the Moonlight Warriors pack. I saw his blood dripped on the rock.

I picked up the knife and cut my palm placed my hand over the rock and I saw my blood dripped and I instantly was in the pack.

"Welcome Your Luna D'yonce". Blake said, and everyone cheered. I heard a bunch of different voices in my head I blocked them out and heard Blake's.

"It's a pack mind link". He mind linked.

"Okay". I relied.

He then said "I would also like for you to welcome your future Alpha and his sister Arya and Aiden". I saw mom being them.

Then I heard a mind link from someone. "I'm coming for you, you can't escape". then the voice left.

I wonder who it is then my wolf flashed Jamie face in my head. It's him. Jamie is after me.

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