9. Whirlwind

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Ellenya had been given a clean bill of health early the next morning by Torwen and without a second glance the Princess had dressed quickly, and left the healing rooms. It was never a place she relished spending time in and generally avoided it at all costs. However on this morning she was slightly delirious and found herself smiling absently or blushing unnecessarily. Elladan had brought her straight back to Torwen after their great declaration that night, which sort of ruined her mood, but he had promised he would see her in the morning and so she rushed along the corridors of her home, not wishing to waste a moment.

As she skipped through a practically deserted hallway, one barely used and one of her short cuts to her own chambers, Ellenya did not see the figure hiding behind one of the great pillars before it was too late! With a barely audible squeak she felt strong arms wrap around her upper body, in any other instance she would have delivered a devastating blow to someone who sneaked up on her like that. However not this time, this time she knew it was Elladan before he even touched her. The dynamics in their relationship had completely changed, though they were not yet completely bonded, she was connected to him as only two compatible spirits could be.

Elladan pulled his prize out of sight and in the shadows, behind the darkened pillar; he pressed Ellenya up against the cool stone and continued on from their previous night's exchanges. His kisses were stronger and deeper than before, and Ellenya was growing bolder by the second, no longer allowing him to lead but holding her own in this passionate embrace. She tangled her fingers in his dark hair and shaped her body to his, so that there was very little room for movement. It did cross her mind that it could be construed that things were moving a tad hastily between the two of them, but to her it felt perfectly natural, she had denied herself this for far too long and she was determined to relish every moment, and from Elladan's responses he was in agreement.

At that thought Elladan moved away from Ellenya's lips and slowly made his way along her jaw and neck, all the while his strong hands exploring the feminine curves of his love's body. He smiled outwardly when this elicited a contented sigh from Ellenya;

"Good morning," Ellenya breathed airily, as her eyes rolled shut, enjoying the thrilling sensation of Elladan's calloused fingertips trailing along the curve of her neck.

"Mmmhmm," Elladan hummed between planting kisses along her jaw and up her ear, his blatant lack of interest in holding a conversation making Ellenya giggle like a youth.

"You know this sort of behaviour could be seen as improper and scandalous between unmarried elves," Ellenya just about managed to whisper out before she felt her voice catch, as Elladan pushed her harder against the wall and silenced her with another heated kiss, so for a few minutes Ellenya forgot exactly what she was talking about. When Elladan broke the kiss he smirked at Ellenya's dazed expression, for she visibly strained towards him and scowled when he did not oblige;

"I thought you said this sort of behaviour was scandalous?" Elladan chuckled and kissed her nose playfully.

"Do not listen to me, I had a mild attack of logical thinking," Ellenya muttered and hastily kissed him back, "I can promise it does not happen very often," she vowed, her words sounding amusing as she had not bothered to take her lips from Elladan's.

"Oh I know it does not!" Elladan sniggered between Ellenya's kisses, each slowly melting his resolve to gain some sort of composure. Each kiss, touch and sigh was building and now truly was verging on scandalous. Eventually Elladan managed to put a few inches between himself and Ellenya, not that he wanted too and the fevered look in her eyes was not helping his judgment.

"Must you stop?" Ellenya pleaded, the disappointed look etched on her face was too adorable to ignore.

"Yes!" Elladan chuckled and pulled her into a warm embrace instead, "What you are suggesting is unthinkable, I would not take advantage of you in such a way."

A Greater Destiny: Sequel to The Last Queen {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now