5. Hanging our Hopes on the Stars

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"This is folly!"

A tall, sinewy looking elf uttered aloud, as he trudged back through a part of the woods they had already searched, not but a day ago. It was raining, as usual, only instead of the lush and vivid greens that come in the aftermath of rainfall; a thick fog clung to the slick, dark, branches of the trees, and the foliage drooped and rotted in the ground, filled with sickness, and turning to sludge under foot.

"Nothing is folly Adan, what is folly is to have a negative attitude"

The less than impressed voice of the elven prince answered the grumbling elf, who then dropped his gaze and fell back into line with the small host of warriors, who were carefully exploring their environment. Legolas stood off to the side, atop a natural formation of rocks, elevating himself to try and see through the mists, whilst intermittently listening in on his company. They were growing weary they had been on the road such a long time, morale was slipping and the lack of time and resources were forcing them back home.

Gollum had sent them on a wild goose chase, they had almost caught him on several occasions but the wiley creature always managed a lucky escape. Several orc and goblin attacks, and the tracks that were turning stale had pushed Legolas to admit defeat, though he would not admit it outwardly, he had eventually agreed to return home to his Father's realm and begin a new course of action. As of yet he was not quite sure what that action would be, but he reckoned it would involve a very well-articulated apology to Aragorn, after all the ranger had entrusted him with the creature.

"We should rest here tonight my lord," Tauriel, the woodland guards captain, addressed Legolas from a few feet below him, "The company are weary, we have not rested in days."

Legolas frowned at the dwindling light and the ominous atmosphere of Mirkwood, before nodding once in agreement. Tauriel bowed and disappeared from view, he listened as she and the others made preparations for the evening. He was not keen on spending any length time than was necessary here, the sooner they could cross into his Adar's borders the sooner they would be under his protection, and the darkness would not be so near. Reluctantly Legolas hopped down from the rocks with the nimbleness of a mountain cat, and joined his comrades in dishing out what meager rations they had left.

The small group of elves feasted quietly and with little cheer, their surroundings making them uneasy and the knowledge of their shameful defeat in the pursuit of Gollum, left them feeling sour and deflated. As the night crept in and the heavy fog seemed to grow even denser, the company took to the canopy of the dreary trees, at least from above they could remain obscured from unfriendly view.

Legolas occupied a lonely branch insisting on keeping watch throughout the duration of the night whilst the others got some well-deserved rest, the prince still felt responsible for the events of Gollum's escape and therefore ate less and slept less than the other warriors to try and atone for his misguided judgments, he was sorely regretting his compassionate decision to allow the vile creature some freedom! With a glum expression Legolas hunched up on the branch and began his watch, finding no comfort in the eerie silence of the wood or the uninviting bite to the air. The prince sat for a short time on his own before he became aware of an approaching elf, as they eased over the creaking branches;

"Tauriel you should rest while you can, I do not intend to allow another respite until we reach the King's realm," Legolas muttered to the shadowy figure a few branches above him. The figure shifted until it was perched on the opposite branch, the familiar small smirk of the captain becoming visible.

"I did not think you would let us rest tonight let alone any other night, you are tireless Legolas!" Tauriel replied with a sarcastic edge to her voice.

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