3. Innocence

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*sixty years later*

Legolas lay on his back on the crook of an overhanging tree, one leg lazily, dangling, in mid-air, as he casually threw a leather pouch above his head and then caught it, repeatedly. His mouth twisted into a crooked smile, as he listened to the incessant pacing of the human man, on the ground below him. He turned to regard the figure of his ranger, friend, who stomped backwards and forwards, making a terrible amount of noise. His face all drawn in deep concentration, creating soft lines of age that etched his brow, and corners of his grey, eyes. The elf stared sadly for a moment, realising his young friend was not so young anymore, even with the gift of the long life of the Dunedain, the years to Legolas just seemed to go by so quick! Shaking the notion from his mind, he paused his entertaining, solitary, game of catch to complain;

"Aragorn, the cogs of your mind are working so hard they are disturbing my peace, Do quiet down!"

The ranger slowed his stride for a fraction of a second to roll his eyes at his less than concerned friend. Nothing seemed to disturb that elf, he was always infuriatingly positive, even when he was now responsible for the vile, creature Gollum! Even with the emergence of the disturbing issue regarding the ring of power; was he really that relaxed?

"I cannot be a peace Legolas, there is just so much to consider, so many things to be worked out, and are you not the least bit concerned?" Aragorn asked, and watched his friend visibly sigh, like he was going to try and explain something for the hundredth time, to a small, irritating, child.

"When you live as long as I have, Aragorn, you learn that some things are out of your control and you just have to react to events as they happen, no need to make yourself ill with worry" Legolas replied propping himself up on one elbow to get a better view of Aragorn, "Furthermore, it is my rest day, one day I can relax, do you realise I rarely get one of those? I am practically hiding from my sister, if she catches me, only the Valar know what she will put me to work on next!"

"Well at least one of Thranduil's children show the right amount of concern when I bring ill tiding," Aragorn huffed and began to stride off, giving his friend his desired peace, "try sleeping rough for a few weeks in the wilderness Prince and you will soon see what work is!" Aragorn grumbled under his breath.

"I heard that Ranger!" Legolas called, and before Aragorn could stifle his chuckle at the elf's annoyed tone, there was a dim whistle through the air, and then a dull thud, as the leather pouch Legolas had been absently playing with, collided with the ranger's head, unfortunately the pouch in question contained a small quantity of coins, not a pleasant material to collide with one's skull.

The force sent Aragorn stumbling forward, as he gripped the back of his head in shock, spewing out a tirade of elvish curses. Once he had gained his balance, the ranger straightened up to find the smug look of his elf friend, just a few inches from his face;

"Really Aragorn? Do you honestly want to argue about who has it worst of all? I would take a year in the wild happily, over the constant attacks here!" Legolas exclaimed.

Aragorn rubbed the back of his head, the elf had a strong arm; "You know well I was only jesting," he frowned as he felt the throb set in; "Legolas, stop using me as target practice, I did not enjoy it as a youth, and I certainly do not enjoy it now!"

The elf started to laugh heartily, and gripped his side to control the spasms, as he regarded his friend's pitiful look; "You are so fragile my friend, come I will treat you to some of your manish drinks, as an apology, we are not far from a trading settlement" the elf patted Aragorn's shoulder, and sauntered off, beckoning the ranger to follow, the thought of the comfort of a pipe and a strong drink, eased the man's troubled mind, and he quickly accepted the offer.

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