8. Sparks

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"I am fine, please stop fussing," Ellenya protested from beneath a pile of quilts and plump pillows. The woodland's chief medic, Lady Torwen, and a group of hand maidens bustled about the Princess ensuring she was swaddled tighter than a new born infant.

"Yes of course you are ma'am but that was a nasty fall and you need your rest!" Torwen responded, pushing strands of hazelnut locks off her face, the phenomenal level of heat radiating from the roaring fire causing the elleth to perspire and look unusually dishevelled.

Ellenya sighed in defeat as her blankets were bundled tighter around her, making the slightest movement an arduous task. According to Lady Torwen's examination she was fine, a few bumps, and minor cuts but no further damage, except for an uncomfortable headache and scratchy throat. This did not however mean she could return to her familiar comforts, the over anxious healer had insisted she spend the night in the healing rooms, for observation purposes only. So here she was in her own private room, which was so hot she reckoned the flames of Orodruin could be cooler!

"There now," Torwen soothed, as she plumped a few more pillows behind Ellenya's back, "try and get some rest now Princess, I shall send someone with some soup shortly."

The pleasant elleth dutifully checked Ellenya's forehead one last time, before ushering everyone out of the room. Ellenya managed a parting grimace and husky thank you to the healer as she left, whilst trying to free her arms enough to wiggle into a more comfortable position. After several minutes of strategic wriggling and squirming Ellenya had successful freed her upper half and flailed her legs until most of the blankets were kicked to the ground.

"It is so warm!" Ellenya moaned to herself, and absently fanned a small cushion in her attempt to cool down. She stared around the room trying to ascertain if the windows opened, and possibly if she could make her escape through them, but alas they were small windows that would only creak open enough to allow a draft. Although Ellenya was in no position to argue and with a determined look swung her legs out of bed, but just as she did the door knocked loudly and, she watched in alarm as the handle turned. It would be one of two people, Torwen, who would force back into her cocoon, or her Adar who just might be a little annoyed. She swallowed and winced, preparing for the worst.

The door creaked open a little, and Ellenya frowned when two nearly identical sets of grey eyes peered through the gap;

"Is it safe to come in, you are dressed this time?" Elrohir asked cautiously

"Elrohir!" Elladan exclaimed angrily.

"What? I am just being polite, you just do not barge into Ladies quarters, it is considered improper in some places!" Elrohir's innocent tone verged on sarcasm.

"You told him!" Ellenya squeaked from her bed as she clambered back under the covers, her voice not nearly as menacing as she had intended, to her annoyance she sounded more like an enraged mouse than a powerful noble.

"Oh he told me everything," Elrohir chuckled as he pushed through the door tray in hand and proudly presented it under Ellenya's nose. Elladan followed nervously behind him, his eyes growing ever more concerned at the sight of Ellenya looking so small and fragile in her quilted fortress.

"I made you soup!" Elrohir explained, as he settled the tray onto Ellenya's lap. The elleth stared cautiously at the interesting liquid, it smelled appetising enough, but it looked vile.

"We, Elrohir, we made soup!" Elladan corrected sourly from the foot of the bed.

"Okay we made the soup!" Elrohir admitted then rolled his eyes and winked at Ellenya, "Elladan stirred it occasionally."

"Oh blast it all Elrohir, you know very well-" Elladan stopped mid-way and glared angrily as his brother and Ellenya stifled their giggles, "fine! Believe him over me!" he growled and sat down on the edge of the bed, huffing slightly.

A Greater Destiny: Sequel to The Last Queen {Lord of the Rings Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now