Negative Nancy

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***Tara's POV***

I was outside of the store, sitting on the bench, waiting for Duff to come. I basically bought some clothing, deodorant, perfume, toothbrushes, toothpaste, some more makeup, shampoo, conditioner, etc.

Duff then pulled up and I quickly ran into the car.

"Hey," he greeted me.

"How was practice?" I asked.

"Bad. Slash's neighborhood is turning into a fucking ghetto and the cops cane and told us we gotta get out. So, Slash asked if he could stay with us and I lied and said our loft was getting renovated. So we went to Steven's and I guess Slash is staying there now," Duff told me.

"Jesus Christ," I breathed, rubbing the sides of my head.

"Everything is falling to shit for everybody. Not just us," he said.

"But we are homeless, Duff. Slash isn't," I argued.

"Yeah, I know. I'm just trying to make myself feel better," he replied.

"Did you think of any sort of plan where to go when we can't stay in the hotel anymore?'" I asked.

"No. I have too much pride to ask any of the boys," he said back.

I already was planning to ask about staying with one of them but I knew Duff was just going to get mad. But he brought them up first, so might as well give it a shot.

"Duff, we're struggling. I'm sure they'll understand--"

"You didn't want me to even be in the band a couple of hours ago! Now you want me to ask one of them if me and my homeless wife can live with them?!" he shouted at me.

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO, OKAY?!" I screamed even louder back, tears falling down my face.

"Me neither baby," his voice softened as he put one hand on my knee.

We made it back to the hotel and I changed into a long pajama shirt I bought and went straight to bed. Duff came next to me and wrapped his arm around me, kissing my cheek.

"I love you," he whispered.

I woke up and saw Duff was already awake, making coffee at the coffee machine.

"You love me, huh?" I instantly teased him as I stretched.

"Nah," he chuckled, "that was a lie."

"I figured," I chuckled too.

"I don't think we're gonna be having another band practice for a while now that we can't be at Slash's," Duff told me.

"Oh... okay, well do you have any idea on where we will go?" I asked.

"No, but we can figure that all out later."

"Well, we don't have much time."

"Just let's not stress about that now baby," he said quietly as he came next to me on the bed, handing me a cup of coffee and keeping one for himself.

"Saying you love me? Calling me baby? Are we back on this lovey-dovey path?" I laughed, sipping the coffee.

"Yeah because that's the only thing that will help us from this horrible thing we're going through. Us fighting will make our situation so much worse," he replied.

I nodded and peered into his eyes.

"I don't know what the fuck's going to happen to us but we will fight it together," I smiled, clinking his cup.

He gave me a smirk back and pressed the cup to his lips and drank.

It was nightime already and Duff and I decided to go to the hot tub. Neither of us had a bathing suit so we just went in some clothing I bought.

No one else was in the pool or hot tub area and we went in. I tied my hair up and Duff immediatley pulled me in closer to him.

"We better enjoy this because soon enough we'll be sleepin' on park benches," I said.

"C'mon Tara. Stop being such a Negative Nancy," he told me, rubbing my shoulders.

"I'm fuckin' scared, Duff," I breathed.

"I know you are. I am too," he said.

"We only have tomorrow night, then the next morning we're out of here," I stated.

"I know," he nodded.

I bit my bottom lip in stress and he turned my head toward him.

"Let's enjoy tonight while we still have it," he said, pulling me in by my face and kissing me.

I kissed him back and he instantly got sexual. He was tugging at my shirt, rubbing his hands all over me, kissing different parts of my body, etc.

While he was kissing my neck I began to worry all over again.

"Maybe we should go back to Larry and try to get our loft back," I said.

"Oh, won't you shut up about it for a second? I'm trying to get us turned on here," he responded, still kissing my neck.

"I know you are, but I don't think I can get turned on when I'm this stressed out," I said back.

He stopped kissing my neck and lifted his head up to stare sraight into my eyes.

"Oh, baby. Watch me prove you wrong."

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