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***Duff's POV***

"WHAT?!" I screamed loudly.

"I know, I know and I'm sorry--"

"What the fuck are you even talking about, man?! I just paid our rent to you the other day! We didn't do anything! Why the hell are we getting evicted?!" I yelled.

"Duff, just listen to me--" Larry said, trying to calm me down.

"NO! THIS IS BULLSHIT! TELL THESE MEN TO STOP TAKING OUR STUFF!" I screamed, staring at all the men taking out our beautiful furniture.

"DUFF!" Larry screamed at me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I stared at him silently and he took another deep breath.

"If you want to go down to my office, I will explain," he told me.

I looked over at Tara and I could tell she was biting back her tears. She looked horrifed and all I want to do is hug her.

"Okay," I nodded, looking back at Larry, "we'll be down in a few."

He nodded and glanced over at Tara before walking out of our loft.

I walked over to Tara and she clutched onto me. Tight.

"Duff," she whispered, her voice shaking, "they're taking away our whole life. Right in front of our eyes."

"I know," I said back, closing my eyes.

"I can't watch this," she said.

I opened my eyes and nodded as I escorted her down to Larry's office.

We got down to Larry's office and sat down, staring at him intently.

"Welcome guys. Want a glass of wine?" he nervously said.

"Cut the crap, Larry. Tell us what the hell is going on," I barked.

"Oo, okay," he took a large breath, clutching onto the sides of his desk, "this is gonna be tough."

"Spit it out already!" I exclaimed.

"Well, you guys have had a report filed on you," he stated.

We both stared at him and waited for hm to finish but he wouldn't resume speaking.

"Anddd?" I asked impatiently, clenching my jaw.

"It says you're basically living here off of illegal funds. The police have been called and we had to evict you immediatley," he explained.

"So... we're gonna get investigated?" Tara asked.

Larry looked at her for a bit and nodded.

"But none of that is true! We aren't doing anything illegal!" I screeched.

"I believe that, I do. But unfortunately, I can't do anything about it," he shrugged, sitting back in his chair.

"Who filed the report?" I asked.

"That's information I can't give to you. The police might tell you who filed it," he answered with a shrug.

"You're acting as if the police are actually gonna catch us," I laughed.

Tara looked over at me and cocked an eyebrow in confusion.

"What?" Larry asked, knitting his eyebrows together.

"Oh, nothing," I said, standing up from my chair, "well, Larry, I'm guessing this is the last you'll see of us. So goodbye. You've been pretty decent."

Tara slowly stood up from her chair too and I reached over to give Larry a handshake goodbye.

He stared at me in total confusion and I rushed Tara out of the office and into our car.

"What the hell was that you said in there?" she asked me as we started to get into the car.

"What?" I asked back, starting up the car.

"You're acting as if the police are actually gonna catch us," she recited, "what the fuck did you mean by that?"

I laughed and started to drive out of the building.

"I meant that we ain't gon' have no fuckin' pigs after us," I said back.

"I don't want the pigs after us either, Duff. But you can't just say shit like that and not elaborate," she said.

"We'll be fine," I breathed.

"Are you sure? Because I don't think so. We don't have ANYTHING with us!" she yelled.

"I got my card, we can spend a few nights at a hotel. We'll figure it out from there," I told her.

She didn't say anything and pressed her lips together, her gaze staying on me.

We checked into the hotel and got into our room. It's a pretty nice hotel, nothing too fancy though.

Tara then put a bag of makeup onto the desk and I looked at her with confusion.

"What?" she snapped.

"Makeup?" I questioned.


"How'd you get it?" I asked.

"I quickly took it while you and Larry were talking in the loft. I figured we got kicked out," she answered.

I nodded and laid down on the bed.

"What are we going to do?" she asked me.

"I don't know Tara," I responded.

"We can't stay in this hotel forever. We can stay here for maybe three days tops. And then what?"

"I don't know Tara," I echoed.

"Well, you better think of something because right fucking now, we are homeless."

I ran my fingers through my hair and felt the whole world around me stop. Why was this happening? As if things weren't bad enough already, this had to fucking happen?

"I can't believe this is happening. You're gonna have to find a job," Tara told me.

"I have a fucking job," I barked back.

"No you fuckin' don't. Your little band is not a job. What the fuck kind of money are you getting from it? Yeah, that's right, absolutely nothing."

"We're gettin' there."

"Gettin' where? Fucking nowhere? That's all you're gettin'. Me and you are gonna have to go out and find a job and if that means you have to leave Guns N' Roses so be it," she said seriously.

I looked at her and shook my head.

"I'm not leaving Guns N' Roses. There's no fuckin' way."

"Well, to fuckin' survive you are," she argued back.

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