"Well about how Barney healed up so quickly. He was stabbed by a diamond sword for crying out loud!" He whisper yelled to me. "Max. One word." I said trying to give him a hint. He thought for a moment. Then shrugged. "Sigh. Him." I said.

He looked at me. He shrugged. "Oh my Notch man Herobrine healed him!!" I whisper yelled at him. "Ohhhh well why didn't you just tell me that in the first place?" He asked. I got up out of my seat and grabbed his shoulders.

I shock him back-and-forth yelling at him. "Because I thought you would know!!! And I wanted to be mysterious!!" He looked at me. "What. The. Heck." He said after I let him go. Then Jin came running out of his room with a baseball bat in hand.

"What's wrong?!" He yelled. We all just stared at him. I noticed that he was wearing a red cape and a iron helmet. Me, Max, and Barney all looked at each other then back to Jin. We started laughing our heads off like crazy.

Jin's eyes widen. "There was nothing wrong was there." Jin said. We nodded in between laughter. Jin started to walk back to his room. "No Jin wait." I said after u calmed myself down a bit. He stopped in his tracks. I walked over to him. "Don't worry about it, it's probably just your pyjamas right?" I said nudging him.

He looked at me. "How did you know?" He whispered to me. Honestly I didn't know I was just trying to help him out. I shrugged then pushed him in his room. "Breakfast is ready when you want some!" I yelled to him through the door. "K!" He yelled through the door.

I walked back over to the table to finishing eating my delicious toast. I saw Jin come out of his room, but he didn't have his 'pyjamas' on. "I've been expecting you detective." I say to him. "Ha ha very funny." He said as he got some cereal. He sat down at the table with us.

"How you feeling Barney?" Jin asked. "I feels perfectly fines. Likes I said I's haves campions blood." Barney said. We all smiled at Barney. "Alright I'm just going to get straight to the point." I said. They all looked at me. "Tonight is our last night to free them." I said. Their eyes widen.

"And we still don't have all of the real objects." I said looking down. "We still don't have Sky's." Max said. "Hey c'mon guys, we've come this far, and we are going to set them free." Jin said. "We need a plan." Max said. Getting up and grabbing a peace of paper and some markers.

Max started drawing a map of the park with a red marker. "Ok so all of the animatronics are spread out throughout the park." Max said after he finished drawing the map. "They move around though." Jin said. Max looked at him. "I was going to get to that." Max said. Jin shrugged.

"So with the animatronics moving around we can find all of them easily." Max continued. "Buts what's about's Jeff's?" Barney asked. Max thought for a moment. "Ok so if Jeff is going to be there tonight like last night we are sticking together." Max said. We all nodded.

"So then would we need to find a secret place to set them free?" Jin asked. "We still have one code for something, maybe it's a secret room." I said. Max thought a moment. "That could actually work." Max said.

Then Max grabbed three other markets and put them on the table. I grabbed a green one. Jin grabbed purple, and Barney grabbed blue. I took the market and started near the gate and made a line to our office. "We could check the monitors to find out where they all are." I said as I Drew the line.

"We'd have to be quick." Jin said. We all nodded. Barney took his blue marker and went to all the attractions. "Then we find all of the animatronics and then we bring them to the secret room." Barney said. We all agreed to that idea.

"And while we are in the secret room we can figure out which amulet is real." Jin said drawing to small amulets on the page. "Then we set them free." Max said. We all smiled and nodded.

"We now have a plan." Jin said. We chuckled. We studied the map a little bit and went over the plan multiple times.

By the time we had bought of every in and out of the plan it was already 9:20 pm. So we all went over the plan one more time. Then we called it a night. We have to be ready for this. It's the last night, the only time we can get our friends back, and to free them.

So I went into my room as went over to a double chest. I opened it and pulled out a diamond sword. I have been keeping this diamond sword for a long time. And it was just in case of an emergency, but if you ask me this is and emergency.

I took the sword and placed it against the wall near my bed. I closed the double chest and did my nightly routine. I got everything ready in my duffle bag and I set my alarm.

After I was done everything I got in bed. "Don't worry guys, we will free you, even if it's the last thing we do." I said out loud as if they were here. And with that I soon fell asleep.

"Night five is drawing near, will they be set free?"

Five nights at team crafted's amusement park: The truth unrolling.Where stories live. Discover now