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Finn's POV

     I went up to talk to Rachel after we were finished singing. I was about to say something to her but then, she ran off into the woods. I walked after her, knowing she couldn't go far.
     And, just as I suspected, she didn't go far. She was leaning up against a log, silent.
     "Are you alright?" I asked her, still standing. She seemed startled by my voice. Did she think I wouldn't follow her?
     "Uh, yeah, I-I'm fine," she said.
     "Then why'd you run off?" I asked her as I sat down behind her.
     "I...I don't know," she said, looking down at the muddy ground.
     "Yes you do," I said. "After all the fights we've had, I noticed that when you're lying, you stutter."
     A tiny smiled was on her face, as if she were trying really hard not to be happy.
     "So, what's wrong," I asked genuinely. I really wanted to know if she was ok.
     She sniffed. "The last time I sang with a guy, it was with my boyfriend."
     "Oh," I said. "I'm sorry."
     She looked into the distance instead of at me.
     "I was heading home from New York in a few weeks. I gave him a call to tell him I was coming back and he was so excited. We started singing to each other. I sang My Man from Funny Girl and he sang As Long As You're Mine from Wicked."
     While wiping the tears out of her eyes, she continued.
     "Then when I got off the plane, everything was wrong. I ran to my house and I found my parents dead and Jesse was a walker."
     She looked at me. "That's why I had that gun to my head Finn. I couldn't take it anymore. I hadn't been in this new world for 24 hours and I already wanted to die."
     I nodded at her. "I know what that's like," I said. She looked at me like that was the craziest thing she'd ever heard.
     "Really?" she asked.
     I nodded again. "Right before the outbreak, I proposed to my girlfriend, Quinn. We were so happy to finally get married after 5 years of being together. The next day, we were on a walk and I heard something from the bushes. I walked over to make sure it wasn't anything dangerous. After I saw it was just a squirrel, I heard Quinn's screaming behind me. I turned around to see her being torn apart by a walker. And there was nothing I could to save her."
     I turned to Rachel, who seemed to not know what to say. Eventually, she said, "I'm really sorry."
     I nodded and looked up. I heard something in the distance. I knew right away that it was walkers.
     "We've gotta go," I said. Rachel had heard the moans to and got up quickly. Before I started to run, I turned to see how many there were. I could see almost 20 walkers coming our way. I knew we couldn't fight them off with only 3 people. So we ran back to camp, gathered all of our gear, and ran as fast as we could, as far as we could.

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