Chapter 2

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"Let's start this meeting," their publicist, Janet Hastings told them with a glance on her wrist watch.

Janet was a blonde woman in her early thirties and as of this year their new publicist. The girls of Fifth Harmony, who were assembled in front of her, had not gotten the chance to truly get to know her. They had talked a few times in the past three months to ensure the girls knew how important their image in the public eye was and Janet had laid down some basic rules concerning their behavior online as well as in real life. It was a challenge for all of them to adjust to the new rules that hadn't existed before, but they had managed. Until the night before.

When the meeting had been called at 6 a.m., Normani and Ally had been the only ones in the group who hadn't been prepared, but a brief explanation from Dinah had woken them up pretty quickly. The other two, who had not said a word since arriving at the small conference room, were Camila and Lauren. Their hands were intertwined, their eyes staring unseeingly at the wall on the other side of the room, ignoring the concerned questions of the others until everyone had grown silent as well.

Their manager, Brian Scott, was leaning near the door and constantly ran his fingers through his dark hair. Today he seemed older than his thirty years as he muttered quietly to himself and every now and then glanced around the room.

Dinah sat between Normani and Ally on the conference table opposite of Lauren and Camila. She kept her face hidden behind her hands, not looking up once. Their mothers were whispering, huddled in a corner.

"As you undoubtedly know by now, a video is circulating online. It's currently available on Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and YouTube," Janet explained and turned her MacBook towards them before she pressed a key.

The video was shaky, the hallway dimly lit, but the sound was clear as could be. It caught a few glimpses of Camila in a bathrobe as well as Lauren wearing nothing but a shirt beside her. They listened as the conversation took place and grimaced when Milika pointed out the obvious lack of clothes and winced at Lauren's harsh response and mention of their relationship status. It ended with Dinah trying to play it off as a prank.

"How are the reactions?" Ally asked quietly as no one wanted to say anything.

"There are only few who think it was a joke. Some are trying to come up with a reasonable explanation, but are quickly shut down because of Lauren's usage of the word 'girlfriend'. The fandom is in an uproar, 'Camren is real'  has been trending on Twitter for over an hour and the majority of the Harmonizers aren't even awake yet," Janet summarized and leaned back, her exhaustion was visible to all of them. "We tried to get the video deleted, but there are too many copies on every platform... it's impossible."

"What about the gossip sites?" Normani interjected. "Did they already pick up on it?"

"Only two minor ones, but it's only been two hours. Many more will follow." Janet sighed. "It doesn't help that we're in London. Paparazzi are going to be ruthless as soon as they get the scoop. Brian, we need to hire at least two more bodyguards."

"On it," Brian grumbled and whipped out his phone before he stepped out of the room.

"The real question is," Janet continued, "what are we going to tell them? Lauren, Camila, is this relationship serious?"

"Of course it is," Camila snapped and her eyes narrowed at the publicist.

"I didn't want others to know yet," Lauren muttered and looked down to their intertwined hands. "I can't... I only managed to accept my sexuality at the end of last year. And this is not any of their business anyway. It's a private matter. They should respect it. Can't we just... ignore it?"

"Unfortunately since you are public figures, others are going to make  it their business," Janet argued. "We could forbid any interviewer to ask you questions about this topic, but that doesn't make it go away nor will everyone play by the rules. If you don't address it, the rumor will continue to grow. We need a strategy, Lauren."

"We... we denied it in the past," Lauren said and glanced to Camila. "Maybe we could...?"

"Babe, there was nothing in the past that we could have confirmed anyway," Camila answered calmly. "We were only friends. But now? Would it be so bad to come out?"

"It depends," Janet cut in. "You will lose fans, if you come out. That's inevitable. But you might gain some as well. It's pretty risky."

"Why would we lose fans? They've been shipping Camren ever since X Factor," Dinah said puzzled and finally put her hands down.

"Not everyone. You lost fans in the past whenever there was evidence that Camren could be more than a friendship," Janet told them and their eyebrows rose in synch. "That is why your previous management wanted you to be a little more distant in public. Didn't they ever tell you?"

"But... but..." Dinah spluttered. "Our fans know how supportive we are of the LGBT community! It's not a secret..."

"It's something different whether you're just supporters or an actual part of the LGBT community," Janet explained with a shrug. "And a romantic relationship between two group members is going to cause havoc. It's going to be messy. Some people are going to question all of your sexualities. Some are going to question each of your friendships, whether they're truly platonic. Any interaction is going to get criticized and carefully watched within the group as well as with every other person you're friends or only acquaintances with. Others will see it as some way to get publicity."

"I don't care," Normani said forcefully and looked determined at the couple in front of her. "Listen, guys. Whatever you want to do, I'm going to support you. I don't care about rumors, I don't care how crazy it gets. I told you when you came out to us and I'm telling you now: I'm one hundred percent in your corner and have your back. No matter what."

"The same goes for us too," Ally agreed, pointing between herself and Dinah who nodded firmly. "The group is important but so are its members. Your happiness is more important than some unhappy fans. We'll manage whatever gets thrown in our way."

"Thank you." Lauren nodded slowly and squeezed Camila's hand. "How long do we have?"

Janet turned the MacBook back to her. "Your next interview is in four hours and we leave in three. It would be better, if we start planning right now, but... I can understand why you might want to think about it some more."

"I love you," Camila whispered to Lauren as their eyes met again. "I know you're not ready, but I want you to know that I love you with all of my heart. The choice is yours, Lauren, and I'm going to continue to love you, regardless of your decision. We can continue to be girlfriends in secret with no one but our friends and family knowing or we can take our relationship public. I don't care as long as I have you."

Lauren swallowed thickly and leaned in to softly kiss Camila's lips. "You'll be by my side?"

"For as long as you'll have me," she promised.

The green-eyed girl let out a heavy sigh and turned back to the others who had been quietly conversing among themselves to give them some privacy.

"We're going public," she announced and saw the face-splitting smile of her girlfriend from the corner of her eye. "I'm not going to lie, I'm scared to death what's about to happen, but maybe... maybe we can even help others with this. I almost had six amazing months with my girlfriend in private, perhaps it's time to confront the bigots out there."

Janet nodded. "Okay, ladies. Then let's start prepping!"

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