Chapter 1: Preperation

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"Get up!" I hear my mother yell at me
" W-what?" I rub my eyes as I attempt to get up. My mom tugs me to get me out of my bed. I sigh as I stand up.
"Why am I getting up so early?" I complain as my mom hands me my training clothes.
"Early!? It's 10 am and you haven't ate breakfast! You training is at 11!" My mother scolds me as I smile politely.
"Please forgive me mother" I politely bow and walk towards the bathroom on the 2nd floor.
"Remember! You only have a hour till training!" Mother shouts as I enter the restroom. I close the door behind me and I strip my self from my clothing.
"One more week till the reaping so our training is getting intense, I doubt i will get chosen. My odds of me getting chosen are pretty low!" I talk to my self as I step in the shower. Once I finished showering I step out calmly.
"What if I get chosen! What will happen if I die, my mother would have no family left. What if the Quarter Quell is a really Harsh One!" I panic a lot as my mom shouts.
"40 Minutes!" I quickly put my training clothes on and out the restroom. I go to the 3rd floor to grab my backpack and I put it on then go to the stairs. I walk down quickly passing the 2nd floor as I trip. I Yelp as I roll down the stairs. My mom rushes for help and checks my leg.
"Are you ok!" She proceeds to check my body as I smile.
"Y-yea I'm ok mother" I get up as I steadily stand.
"Your so clumsy, be careful next time." My mother hugs me as tears come to her eyes.
"M-mom?" I look at her and she shakes her head.
"I-I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you... Your precious to me, more then a diamond. Please Diamond, never leave me." My mother continues to cry. I hold back my tears and hug her back.
"I will never leave you mother. Never." The thought of leaving my mother hurts, if I get reaped, I can not die. I won't break my mothers promise! I cry as we embrace each other. She smiles and wipes my tears.
"Come on, your gonna be late." She sits down and gives me my breakfast as I still attempt to stop crying.
"Thank you mother." I eat quickly and put my shoes on.
"Diamond, can you come here." My mom asks from the living room. I go to the living room as I look at her sitting in her chair.
"Y-yes mother?" I ask her as she gets up.
"Take this" she grabs my hand and she puts a diamond in my hand.
"Please take this with you, it's the most valuable thing besides you. I want you to keep it." She smiles and kisses my cheek.
"I will. I have to get going." I hug my mom and I walk out the door. I walk down the streets as I see many people with crazy looking outfits. I stop looking around and look at the floor in attempt to not make eye contact. I continue to walk as I bump into a girl.
"Hey! Watch where your going! I'm going to be late!" The girl with brown long hair shouts as she runs away.
"S-sorry." I whisper as I walk towards the school where they teach us various weapon wielding. I walk in and noticed I was just on time. I look at all the people around me. There are all in groups talking about there skills and there ranks in the class. I look down avoiding people and sit on a bench. I await till classes start as I hear people chattering and claiming they could survive the quarter quell. I smile at the thought of how easy they think it will be as the bell rings for our first class.
"ATTENTION!" The male Teacher with blond curly hair and blue eyes shouts and I instantly look up.
"Every one line up!" He shouts as every one lines up straight and I follow.
"This week is gonna be the most intense week of your lives! You will take a test every day fighting for your Rank in the class and whoever ranks first will be greatly rewarded!" He continues to shouts and every one nods there head. Every one goes to there weapon station as I go to the throwing knife station. I smile and look around, there is no one here. Most people are in the sword,spear and bow section since most people find it the best to learn. I look towards the sword station and notice a tall guy with brown straight hair showing off to the others his sword skills.I glance towards the spear station and every one there seems to be practicing there up close combat. I look at the bow station as I notice the girl from before practicing her shots. She continues to shoot the moving holographic tributes and hasn't missed one. The last one jumps at her as she misses the shot. She stomps in anger as she turns around and hands the bow to the next In line. I grab a few knives in my hands and start at the hardest difficulty. It starts off with a holographic tribute running towards me with a sword as I quickly throw a knife hitting its head and it falls, desinigrating into the floor. Then a hologram on a high up platform shoots at me with a bow and I roll away, dodging the arrow then instantly throwing the knife hitting its neck. I stand up as two holograms run crossing each other as I grab a knife and quickly throw it hitting one and quickly throwing another hitting the other hologram  as they both fall to the ground. I smile lightly as I notice a large amount of people watching me. I blush madly as 3 holograms surround me. One with a spear, one with a sword and the other with a throwing knife. I quickly take a throwing knife out and throwing it to the one with a spear, hitting it in the chest. I see a holographic knife being thrown at me as I burly dodge it and throw it at the one with the knives in the throat. The sword one lunges at me while I try to get up as I throw two knives at a time, one hitting it on the heart the other in its eye. People cheer as teacher nods in respect. The words complete show up and it shows a Flawless score.
"Beautiful work Diamond." The teacher complements me as I smile
"T-thank you m-mr.Wendell" I bow and continue to blush. The day ends as I return back home and I sigh throwing my backpack on the floor.
"How was your day Diamond?" Mother asks me as I smile.
"It was great, a lot of people watched me." I blush as my mom smiles
"You must have been great, congratulations." Mother smiles as I smile back.
"6 more days till the reaping, this week is gonna fly by fast..." I think to my self as I walk up the stares to my room. I walk in as I noticed, it's cleaned. Spotless even. I throw myself on the bed as it flops up and down and I turn on my holograph tv to watch what's on, there isn't much but the news on. The news is still going on about the failed rebellion and if a new one will spark this quarter quell. I doubt it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2016 ⏰

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The 100th Annual Hunger Games, Diamonds POV,Collab storyWhere stories live. Discover now