Chapter 6: Grandma Evelyn

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If I was completely honest, this wasn't the most awkward situation that I've been in. Compared to what happens at Colors this was nothing. I mean, I've been in situations that would've made a sailor faint. Though compared to every single one of those situations I didn't have my best friend, glaring the soul out my body. She stood there with her arms crossed and her foot tapping at a steady pace. Her eyebrow was raised and her unpleased expression made me want to hide in a ditch. Me and Warren had yet to move from our very passionate embrace and I could tell it wasn't helping our case. I looked at Warren and saw that he was like a deer in headlights. I mentally face palmed the guy that could beat an army, and have sarcasm for days, was shocked speechless.


She shook her head and turned around. Her body tight and her voice practically emotionless.

"I'll be out here." The door closed with a click. Me and Warren had still not moved from our position. I tore my eyes away from the door and looked at Warren. He looked back at me. Slowly his lips turned into that always present smirk.

"You need to get better friends Red. Ones that don't completely ruin the mood." I glared at him slapping his hands away from me quite childishly. I rushed to fix myself and prepare for Evelyn's wrath. Warren just watched as I fixed my zipper and little zion. I ruffled my hair into something decent. He lazily leaned against the wall with an amused half smile. I turned to him.

"I don't need new friends Warren. We shouldn't have been 'getting it on' in the janitor's closet anyway." I said briskly.

He narrowed his eyes at me. "I didn't hear you complaining about it before she busted open the door." His words were slightly true, but I wasn't going to admit it.

I pouted. "That doesn't count."

"Oh? And why not?"

"Because you have this abnormality that keeps you from keeping it in your pants." I sassed cocking my hip in a sassy pose.

His jaw ticked, I'm guessing, out of anger. "Whatever, lets just get out of here." He fixed himself and me (if gropping counted as fixing that is). And we both made our way out. My head was slightly bowed because I knew the lashing I was about to get would forever be in my ear. She stood with her vivacious hips and stern eyes looking like a grandma catching her naughty grandkiddies doing something truly awful.

"Evelyn lemme expla-," Her hand stood and she didn't even look at me. My heart dropped.

" do not get to explain. For this is something you can not fix with a simple explanation." Her words bounced off the empty hall. "Do you not understand what would have happened if it wasn't me? If, lets see the principal, or one of your bullies caught you like this!?!?! I already know how hard it is on you Z!!" She yelled her voice cracking, she turned away. My stomach was below the earth.

"I...just wasn't thinking Eve...Im sorry." She whipped her head around her eyes blazing.

"Don't you dare apologize to me Zion. You should have used that beautiful brain to see that this could have ended badly!!" She took a deep sigh gaining a slight guilty look.

"Look all Im saying is that if I cant shack up in the janitors closet than neither can you. Especially with Mr. I-don't-give-a-damn-about-anyone's-wellbeing-Parker!!! WHOM YOU TOLD ME YOU DIDN'T HAVE A THING WITH!! EVEN THOUGH WE TELL EACH OTHER EVERYTHING!!!"

Wow. Mission accomplished Evie. Made me feel even worse about this.



"Hey," Warren stepped in front of me creating a wall between me and my best friend. "That's enough of yelling. Especially at him, because if there's anyone you should be yelling at, it's me." Evelyn stood there with her mouth wide open and her eyes damn near out of her eyes. And I can tell you now that her expression mirrored mine completely.

"I apologize Evelyn for making you worry about Zion and putting him in such a compromising position. When I should be protecting him from...indecent behaviors," He took a deep breath before looking sternly at Evelyn. "But that is no excuse for you to be yelling at him like a toddler when he is very capable of handling things by himself." Evelyn winced, probably looking back on it like 'yeah a bitch done gone over board'. She did an exasperated shoulder roll and looked me and Warren straight in the eye.

"Zi..I apologize. Because I know how brave and smart you are. I just worry cause you kept this big secret from me. When infact you should have told me that you and Warren were a thing just like I did for me and my gal. I want whats best for you. I love you Zion." Warren parted and it was like a magical moment in a movie where the light hits just right and the two people begin running towards each other. It was like that only shorter.

"I love you too E." We embraced and it all seemed like the storm had ended.

"No more secrets, right Zi." Evelyn smiled at me, full of trust and undying love.

"Yeah," I glanced at Warren. "No more secrets."

'Ya big liar.'

'Shut up subconscious. No one asked you.'

She looped her arms around me. "Good, now lets go get some ice cream. Your welcome to join us Warren."

"But Evie wait, we still have school." She paused and then turned to me in a dramatic fashion.

"Then we shall go after school!" Before I could interrupt she zoomed down the hall leaving only a cloud of her silhouette. I shook my head at the cartoon aspect of it and turned to see Warren analyzing me.

"Y'know you're going to have to tell her about the whole secret stripper thing." I frowned at him.

"Shut it Jiminy Cricket. I already know that my nose is in for a huge growth period." Warren chuckled at me, wrapping his big muscley arms around me.

"Aww it's okay Pinocchio. Ill keep you on a straight path. As long as you stay away from rambunctious asses." I snickered, trying to hold in my laugh.

"Let's head to class. Its been an eventful chapter don't you think?"

"Oh yes, my little one. Just wait until the next one." Both Zion and Warren shared a secret smile that only they know.

So confession time. I have been taking a break from this story for the simple fact that life is hard, family is hard, everything can be quite demanding. I hate letting you guys down with literally only 1 to 2 chapters every year. Its not fair to those who still read this story or have yet to. I apologize. Im working on it. I swear.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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