Chapter 4: Being Noticed

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When it was time for school the next day after my "meeting" with Warren I was walking on pins and needles. Looking around every corner and watching for any signs of the bad boy I gave a lap dance to. I mean he could've honestly been lying to me just to get a laugh with the whole school and tell how I the little nerd that was slightly afraid of his own shadow working as a stripper. Gee I wonder if that's a bad thing? Oh wait of course it is!! I mentally scowled at the thought coming from around the corner and getting tackled by my overjoyed best friend, Evelyn, which resulted in me falling on the cold marble floor groaning. Evelyn straddled me while looking at me with that accusing look. Uh oh, I don't think I did anything wrong.

"H-hey Evie, you look g-great t-today." I tried not to stutter at the look I was getting. She started slapping my chest and cursing out loud getting a lot of looks from different people.

"Ow!! What did I do?!" I yelled softly trying not to attract even more attention then we'd already attracted.

"You didn't tell me, your best friend, that you and Warren are a thing!?!" I'm pretty sure my mouth dropped open and my efforts of trying to get this crazy woman off me stopped for a moment.

Me and Warren a thing!?! When did this happen? Is that what people are thinking?

A million questions ran through my head at supersonic speed but the one that actually got out of my mouth was this one.

"Who told you this?" She stopped her hitting me and looked at me confused.

"Um, it was posted on Facebook that you two were spotted walking together very close by the way the picture was looking."

"Yeah, I was walking home and we spotted each other and started walking and talking," I lied smoothly, even if it made me guilty. Realizing her mistake she got off of me and helped me up and we started walking to first period. The first minute was spent in silence before Evie spoke.

"Sorry about tackling and slapping you," She looked bashful with a slight blush covering her cheeks, "I just thought that you were afraid to tell me." I gave her a big hug and smiled.

"Your my best friend Evelyn I'll always tell you everything," She smiled brighter than the sun, "So how was the date with Amy?" Immediately I got a fierce blush on her face. "Oh give me details, but not the gross kind." She lightly punched my arm muttering me to shut up. She then continued to tell me how the date went, which was described as perfect and romantic. Which I good since I didn't want to have to open a can of whoop ass on her. Speaking of her, she came running into Evelyns arms giving small kisses on her face. This was utterly adorable, even when I felt a little uncomfortable with the PDA, after all I was the single lonely one.
"How's your day going babe?" Amy asked wrapping a tanned arm around Evelyn's waist. We all walked to the gym talking about everything and anything getting a few homophobic glares from some people but all we did was walk on, our heads held high in the air proud to be who we are. We reached the gymnasium and went our separate ways to get changed into our gym clothes. I walked into the locker room almost getting knocked out by the smell of axe, sweat, and dirty laundry. I walked my way through the loud obnoxious guys of my school careful not to bump into anyone of them for that will result in my early death. Yeah, I really don't want to end up with a hospital bill as long as my arm. Though it seems that fate wasn't on my side today because I bumped into my main tormentor, George Storm. His baby blue eyes glared at me with such hatred I wonder if he could develop heat vision. Hopefully not since I did not want to become a puddle of me. An evil smirk made a way onto his face it sent shivers down my spine.

"Well look what we have here, a lost fag. Shouldn't you be on your way to the girls locker room?" In response he got loud laughter from his buddies and a hateful glare from me.

"Shouldn't you be on your way to get a mint? Your breath is the main cause of pollution." I smirked feeling satisfied that his face was turning bright red. Next thing you know I'm being slammed into the locker the bang was loud and thunderous, silence immediately filled the room.

"You should've kept that mouth closed you fucking fairy!!" He raised his fist and I my eyes closed and my body stilled waiting for the punch. But it never came.

Shouldn't I be feeling an immense amount of pain?

I opened one eye to see a sight that I never thought I'd see. Warren Parker was beating the shit out of George, it was something so brutal that I couldn't bare to watch. The rest off the guys could do nothing but watch and some moved out of the way while others went to get coach. I could finally see why Warren was so dangerous, when he started fighting it was like watching a wild animal lose control. Pretty soon a few guys were able to barely pull Warren off of George and when they did George looked absolutely terrible. Blood was everywhere and it was all to much for me so I raced out the bathroom without looking to see where I was going and ran smack dab into a hard warm chest. Warm arms wrapped around me in a blanket as I looked up to see Warren with a guilty expression.

"Sorry you had to see that, I just hate when someone tries to beat what's mine into a bloody pulp." He growled and softly pecked me on the lips the seen got a few gasps from the crowd and whispers started filling the room.

"Well there goes my not being noticed plan." I thought mentally scowling.

Everyone I am so sorry!!! I didn't mean for it to take so long to update this story and I know that this chapter isn't really that good. But believe me when I say I'm trying to update all my stories but I've been having a crazy amount of writers block and plus I'm dealing with some personal issues. I promise dear readers that I'll update this story as soon as I get the chance. Please don't stop reading my story. I appreciate all of you who vote, comment, and view on my story.


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