Chapter 24. You're Not Okay

Start from the beginning

Gerard, however was wide awake, his mind reeling with the fears of what could possibly be happening again. He, of course was not afraid for himself, but for Ellie. They couldn't kill him again, but they could certainly kill her, or worse. The thought turned his stomach. He knew he would walk into Hell itself to keep her safe, but the problem was, he just didn't know what his physical limitations were, and if he was actually going to be able to do it.

For the next few hours, until the sky started to lighten into that wonderful shade of pink, signaling the waking of the sun, he mulled over his options. Which were very limited, but always went back to the same solution. Ellie had to leave the house. He was going to lose her.


Frank stood in front of the big oak door. He raised his hand to ring the doorbell, but about an inch away, he lowered his hand again. He took a deep breath. He tried again. 'abort.. abort!' a voice in his head was shouting. 'I'm not ready! How the hell am I even going to broach this, she's going to think I am as crazy as she is... well, as crazy as she might be. Shit. The pictures though... how would the girls come up with that?'

Frank stood on the front step for a good 10 minutes arguing with himself, trying to build the courage to confront Ellie about what happened, and ask her once and for all, what in the hell was going on.

Praying the upcoming conversation wouldn't be TOO awkward, and that Ellie had a very reasonable explanation.... he slowly raised his hand again, and pressed his finger to the doorbell.

His heart started racing after he heard the 'ding dong' sound, and waited.


The door opened slowly, creaking ever so slightly...

"Frankie!" Ellie's face glowed with excitement.

"What happened to you yesterday?" She stepped back and gestured for him to walk in.

Frank stepped through the door, and naturally looked around to see if anyone else was in the house. "El.. We need to talk." He said with a sigh.

Ellie closed the door, turning slowly she look at him. "Are you okay, Frankie? You look really stressed.." The more she looked at Frankie, the more she grew concerned.

He had worry lines on his forehead, which she had never seen before, and she could swear that he looked a few years older then the last time she saw him. Not to mention it looked like he had not slept in years.


-Mikey's POV-

"What do you mean by 'Threatened'? " Mikey had not realized he was holding his phone with a vice grip as Bob had explained the conversation he and Gerard had so many years ago, just before the attack.

"Just what I said, Mikey. The calls started as hang up calls, then the last time we spoke he told me that someone had actually threatened him about getting out of the house... Like people 'getting hurt' threatened..." Bob paused to let this news sink in.

Mikey stayed silent for what felt like an eternity, and Bob started wondering if he was even still on the line. "Mikey?"

"Sell the house Bob." Was all that Mikey said.

"What?!... Are you sure?" Bob was surprised at the declaration. "Mikey, have you really thought about this? Why don't we just call the police?" He waited, but Mikey did not respond. "Mikes.. if these guys are the same people that threatened Gee, they are most likely the ones who killed him and Lindsey! We can get them caught!" Bob was exasperated, and felt he had to spell it out for Mikey. All he wanted was justice for his friends, and for the bastards that killed them to suffer... why was Mikey not all over this?

Asleep or Dead(Gerard Way Romance)(Haunted)(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now