Save John Watson

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"Hello, Brother-mine," my brother, Mycroft greeted me. It was obvious he had something to show me, he had a folder in his hand.

"Mycroft," I greeted him back, getting up from the ground where I had been sitting against the wall. I had been throwing a rubber ball at the other wall.

Mycroft and I were in hiding in an abandoned tube station which he had used his government position to get access. It was dark and dreary, luckily for me, I didn't need too much entertainment. Mycroft often went back to work, so when he visited me, I actually quite enjoyed doing deductions and stuff. But if he stayed too long, I would get, well, you know, BORED!

"I've got news," Mycroft announced, opening the folder and showing me a photograph of John Watson and a blonde woman. He was dressed in a tuxedo and she was in a all white. Clearly, John had gotten married since my "death."

"John's gotten married." I commented.

"Yes, to Mary Morstan. And not only that..." Mycroft continued, pulling out another photograph of this Mary Morstan with John. Mary was obviously pregnant.

"John has a wife, and a child?" I asked in surprise. I don't know what I expected to happen to John after I "died", I was just hoping Moriarty would leave him alone.

"Quite so." Mycroft, smugly as ever, replied, "Mary is due any day now."

I gave the photos back to my brother.

"Also, you got a letter." Mycroft said, taking a letter out of his folder and handing it to me.

"I got a letter?" I was a bit surprised, why would someone send a "dead man" a letter?

I didn't recognize the address, but the letter itself was all the more strange:

   dear, mr. sherlock holmes,
Some people are saying that you were A fake, but that's Very wrong. Even if you were a fake, there's no way they could prove it. by the way, my name is Jack O'brian. Honestly, i looked up to you more than my grandfather, who was in the Navy. Well, what else was it i wAnted To Say? Oh, of course! when you jumped, my heart jumped, too. Never do that again. you've just left me abandoned here.

But, I'm glad you faked it. Because this will be much more fun.

P.S. Better hurry!


I read the letter aloud, and gave Mycroft a slightly puzzled look when I was finished. He returned the look.

The first thing I noticed about the letter was that it was poorly written. With several words that didn't need to be capitalized, and many words that did. I took another look at the letter.

"Why would a fan send me a letter if they thought I was dead?" I asked Mycroft, who shrugged.

"And what does 'Better hurry!' mean?

The letter seemed to mean something, I took another close look:

dear, mr. sherlock holmes,
Some people are saying that you were A fake, but that's Very wrong. Even if you were a fake, there's no way they could prove it. you're far too clever. by the way, my name is Jack O'brian. Honestly, i looked up to you more than my grandfather, who was in the Navy. Well, what else was it i wAnted To Say? Oh, of course! when you jumped, my heart jumped, too. Never do that again.

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