Twenty Two

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Brantley's POV

Miranda finished her tour about 3 weeks ago and now it's my turn. Luckily, this one is a short run. I don't want to miss very much of the pregnancy. I went to the doctor with Miranda before I left and she is now 13 weeks along. I can't wait until she starts getting a belly. I'm sitting on my bus strumming some chords in my guitar even my phone starts ringing. I hit answer and before I can even say a word, Miranda starts taking. "Baby where are you?" She asks. "We are headed to Chicago. What's wrong angel?" I ask her concerned. "Nothing is wrong. I just have a slight problem." Miranda says with a slight laugh. "What's the problem?" "Well, apparently, this pregnancy is gonna be different than my one with Carter." She tells me. "Baby, I'm confused." I tell her. "I'm horny Brantley and you aren't here." She says like it's obvious. I tell her that I will help her solve her problem and then we hang up. I start spending her pictures of me with no shirt on, and Miranda starts getting excited. This pregnancy is making my woman frisky and I like it. This is going to be fun.

Miranda's POV

"Carter, get out of the kitchen cabinets." I yell to my son from the living room. All I get in return is a giggle and then I hear his little feet running down the hall. This kid is a handful. I'm starting to get to the point in this pregnancy where I can feel the baby move. I forgot how much I love this feeling. I never really planned on having babies until Brantley came along. I'm so blessed to have him and Carter in my life. I finally get Carter to settle down and sitting next to me in the couch watching The Backyardigans. "Wanna call and talk to daddy?" I ask Carter with a smile. "Daddy!" He shouts turning to look at me. I laugh and dial Brantley's number. As soon as Brantley picks up the phone and Carter hears his voice he starts saying "hi daddy." "Hey little man." Brantley says with a chuckle when Carter settles down. "How's mama and little peanut doing?" He asks me. "We are all perfect. We just miss daddy."

It's been a week and a half since Brantley left and I'm going crazy without him. He's doing a show in Charlotte tonight and I've decided to go and surprise him. Carter is staying with Mama Becky for a couple days and I think they are both excited. After I drop Carter off, I get in my Tahoe and make my way to my husband. I'll reach the hotel they are staying at about 45 minutes after the show ends. I've been getting the help to pull this off from Brantley's band and manager. I'm so excited to get there that I can barely contain myself. I hope this drive goes fast.

I'm finally in Charlotte and pulling into the hotel parking lot. Brantley's manager is texting me to let me know that they are now headed to the hotel. I'm going to wait until everyone is checked in and then I'm gonna go to Brantley's room and surprise him. I see his bus pull into the parking lot and I start feeling nervous. I sit in my truck for about 15 more minutes before I get a text saying Brantley is in his room. I grab my things and walk into the hotel. The girl at the front desk smiles at me as I walk by her. I get in the elevator and go up to the fifth floor. I find Brantley's room and knock on the door. I hear his footsteps as he walks towards the door. I instantly get nervous as I hear the door open.

Brantley's POV

I open the door and a smile instantly spreads across my face when I see Miranda standing on the other side. "Baby what are you doing here?" I ask excitedly. "I wanted to see you and be with you. Now kiss me." Miranda says in her seductive voice with a wink. "Don't mind if I do." I tell her pulling her into my room and closing the door with my foot. After a couple hours of  "catching up" I'm laying in bed with my beautiful wife laying on my chest.  "I'm so glad you are here baby girl." "Me too baby. I was having a hard time being without you. This pregnancy is making me super emotional and clingy." She says like she is afraid of what I'll say. "I wouldn't want it any other way baby. You can be clingy with me all you want." I tell her. Before I know it her lips crash into mine and it is time for round 2.

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