Dean x reader--Shop Flirtation

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(In the picture, he's stealing from the cash register, but let's pretend he's not

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(In the picture, he's stealing from the cash register, but let's pretend he's not. Ok? Cool.)

You come through the back door of the shop your parents force you to work in, to see a single customer browsing the car parts.

"Your car broken?" You ask from behind the counter, observing the aisle he occupies.

He looks up with stunning green eyes and a small smile. "Yeah. She just needs a fix-up."

She? He's one of those guys. "Does she have a name?"


"Wow. Very original," you joke as he scans the display, "Are you looking for something in particular. The spark plugs on the back wall are half off."

He looks up at the wall behind you. "I didn't even notice those."

You step aside to let him through. "If you need help finding the right ones, gimme a shout."

"Sure thing," he says with a wink.

As he slips past you, he keeps eye contact with you. With his face so close to yours, you can't help but notice a dainty trail of freckles leading across his cheeks and over his nose. His eyelashes are long and full and his hair is perfectly messy.

You return to your post behind the cash register and feel your heart do a flip as you watch him scan the back wall. He reaches for the top shelf, hardly making an effort thanks to his height, and grabs a spark plug.

Then he wanders over to the wall opposite the cash register. Every other step, he sneaks a glance at you, turning his head quickly back to the display. He seems to randomly choose a pair of gloves here before spinning on his heel and heading straight toward you.

"Nice to see you again," you say as he sets the products on the counter.

"Yeah. Girls seem to miss me often."

You snort at his smug remark although you secretly know it's true. As you scan his items, he starts up a conversation:

"Now, you didn't let me finish earlier. I was going to say that I didn't notice those spake plugs because I was too busy noticing you."

Blushing, you look to the ground.

"What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you Y/n. I'm Dean Winchester."

He shakes your hand with a firm hold, his calloused hands still somehow comforting and soft.

"Will that be cash or credit?"

"Credit." He swipes his card on the pin pad. "I would love it if we hooked up sometime. What's your number?"

You recite your memorized phone number as he types it into his phone. You print the receipt and put it in the plastic bag with his items per his request.

"It was great meeting you, Y/n. I'll call you later." Giving you another wink, he turns and starts to the front door.

"Thanks for shopping here. Stop by anytime soon!" You call after him, and you really mean it. 

A/n: This one was kinda cheesy but that's ok. I've been putting a lot of work into the two part finale and have been having a hard time getting back into the routine after being gone so long.

Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked it despite the cheesiness.

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