Sam and Dean x reader--Meow

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Imagine getting turned into a cat and trying to communicate with Sam and Dean.

You look up at Dean as he opens the door of the Impala so you can hop out. You land on all fours, low enough to go under the car.

"I still can't believe this," Dean says to you and Sam as he unlocks the door to the bunker, "how will we turn her back?"

Sam shrugs and they walk trough the door. You follow them and head down the stairs.

"I can call Bobby," Sam says and pulls out his phone.

You and Dean sit on the couch beside each other and he tries to make sense of this all.

"Y/n, what do we feed you? Cat food?"

You shake your head. You ate cat food once as a child and promised to never touch it again.

"But there's human food that you can't eat."

Not knowing what to do either, you lay down and rest your head on your fuzzy paws. It's strange to be so much shorter than them. You only reach to their ankles now.

"Ok," Sam says looking down at you and Dean on the couch together, "that's sorta cute."

You sit up and hiss quietly at him. Don't call me cute.

He laughs and you hop down from the couch. They watch as you wander into the kitchen. You nudge open a cabinet and search for something to eat. The counter is too high for a cat your size, so you call for help.

When nobody comes, you turn and realize that Sam and Dean are still on the couch, talking. They don't hear your wimpy meows as you beg for their attention, so you take things into your own hands.

Small and unnoticeable, you sneak past them and climb onto the mantle. They continue to brainstorm ideas for turning you back and never even thought to ask you.

"Maybe it's a curse," Sam suggests.

"And how would we break that?"

Sam shrugs. 

"Maybe it's that damn trickster!" Dean remembers.

Ready for their conversation to end and for your dinner, you slip behind a stack of books on the mantle and give it a nudge. The books slide off the edge and crash to the ground.

The boys jump at the commotion and see you on the mantle.

"What the hell, Y/n?" Dean shouts, standing up.

"Why did you do that?" Sam asks.

You roll your eyes at their ignorance at the fact that you can't answer questions. You step forwards again and bump your hip on a picture frame, sending it flying to the floor.

Dean reaches out and grabs you around the waist. He lifts you off the mantle and carries you to the couch.

"Did we make you mad?" Sam asks once Dean has set you on the couch.

You nod.

"What do you want?" Dean asks.

Food. You think of a way to explain this. You lick your lips.

"Dean, she can't answer questions like that."

In another attempt to get the message through, you pretend to chew food.

"You're hungry?" Dean asks.

You nod happily.

"Well, what can we feed her?" Sam asks nobody in particular.

"Do we have any meat?"Dean suggests.

"What meat can cats have?" Sam answers with another question.

"Don't ask me. You're the one with the computer. Look it up!"

Sam types into the search bar and finds that you can have most any meat so long as it's cooked. Dean leaves to the store to pick up chicken and allergy pills. Your being a cat has made him prone to sneezing.

After eating dinner out of a bowl on the floor, you sit on the coffee table and listen to them talk. Soon, they once again begin to discuss your fate without you.

"How are we going to find him?" Sam asks as you stand, uncomfortable with the discussion.

"I don't know. But I do know that I want to kill the son of a bitch this time."

That's it. You swat Dean's beer with a paw and it falls to the ground.

"Y/n!" He shouts, scrambling to clean the spilt beer. "Why don't you want to kill him."

You don't answer. You can't.

"It wasn't the trickster was it?" Sam asks, finally catching on.

You nod.


You shake your head.


No, again.

"Y/n, who did this to you?"

You don't know how to tell him.

"Ok. Was it a spell?" Dean chimes in.

You nod.

"So it can be undone," Sam says, satisfied.

Dean sighs. "We just need to figure out how."

Satisfied that you finally made them understand, you curl up on the table and drift to sleep.

AN: If you enjoyed this or any of my other stories, please leave a suggestion of your own imagine. Feel free to suggest even the wildest ideas;I want to know what you want to read.

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