Chapter 1

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It's the first day of a new school year, at a new school. Oh joy! I'm being sarcastic of course. Like every other school, I have no classes with my sister. I don't know what it is with people always thinking that if you stick two sisters in the same class there going to end up on the floor with half of their clothes off. No pervs I don't mean stripping, I meant fighting.

But honestly I love Lexi, she's my other half literally, she's my twin sister.

Anyways I was currently trying to find my class. Stupid people, they expect me to find a class on my own honestly. Its like they sending a blind person out into these dangerous halls without any assistance.

As I was rounding the corner I came upon a couple grinding  on each other. I wonder if they could breathe. There was NO SPACE in between them.

I kept moving along. I wasn't about to ask them for help, I don't think they'd like being interrupted. I definitely was not going to join in. I'm not like that.

Finally I spotted a girl who looked to be about my age. I walked up to her. "Excuse me, but could you tell me where Mrs. Kelly's classroom is."

 "Yes, its actually the next door down on the right."

 "Thank you."

"No problem."

The classes passed by. It was soo boring. Well it was the firat day. I won't lie I slept in a couple of my classes. Hey, its the first day and I stayed up late with my sister doing some investigating for my uncle.

My uncle is a demanding person and a leader for the witches that hunt vampires. Yes, my sister and I are both witches and we both kill vampires. They're such disgusting creatures. They depend on humans when they're already dead. They're dead bodies that are able to move around. Together my sister and I are unstoppable though. We bring some serious game and we put up one hell of a fight.


I jumped up realizing that I had fallen asleep again. The bell had woken me up. Finally! I could leave prison. Just kidding, but school really does resemble prison a lot, its scary.

I walked to the parking lot getting into my car knowing my sister would try to beat me home. She's a very competitive person. Lucky for her, so am I.

I couldn't wait to get home and practice some new combat moves that I'd been trying to learn.

I finally got home and enter the house.


This is our first story on wattpad and I can't believe we finally decided to write a story together.

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