"Shulk!" Robin interrupted, "I'm sorry I wasn't there to see it through, but can I make it up by asking you if you want to hang out with us?" He asked, giving Shulk a pleading smile.

After hesitating for a bit, Shulk nodded and Pit smiled, extending his wings in excitement.

"Alright!" He cheered loudly, jumping a little on his toes. "Let's go find a place to eat! I'm starving!"

The group agreed and walked down the street, Robin and Pit leading the way with an irritated Lucina and a defeated Shulk trudging not too far behind.


It only took a couple of hours for Peach to have her hands full of bags, Palutena and Wii Fit with two each. The three let themselves fall onto a bench, loud, tired sighs leaving their mouths. After catching their breaths for a moment, Wii Fit Trainer spoke up, clearing her throat.

"So, what's on the agenda now?"

"Well," Peach sighed, looking down at her stomach, "I'm feeling a bit hungry. I think we should eat." She stretched her arms over her head, bags dangling from her fingers. "I saw this cool French place not that far from the mall!"

Wii Fit Trainer groaned, feeling as if her stomach was crying out in protest.

"You mean, Le' Toad? I heard that place serves so much mushroom and frog that it's been impregnated into the walls."

"Let's just walk down the street and look for anything good." Palutena offered, standing up from her place on the bench. "It's getting a bit late, too."

The trio eagerly walked out and scanned every restaurant intently. Scurrying past the poignant smells of the French food place, they found themselves in front of a elegant-looking restaurant. A large window allowed the three to peek inside, and the candlelit, velvet clothed tables immediately stood out to them.

"Well, we're not on a date so," Peach pouted, ready to continue striding down the street, "let's keep going." Wii Fit Trainer nodded, but Palutena stayed frozen in place, her stare never leaving the window.

"What is it?" Peach asked, returning to meet the green-haired Goddess's gaze. There, sitting nearly in the middle of the restaurant, Link and Ike were sitting across from each other, enjoying rather expensive looking dishes. They were almost completely drowned in each other's presences, and Peach gave Palutena a side glance before placing a gloved hand on the Goddess's back.

"They've been together since the beginning of Brawl, sweetie." She said, brushing golden hair behind her hair.

"What?! Oh no, no," Palutena snapped out of her trance, blush spreading across her face, "I-I don't, uh, yeah! I was just making sure it was th-them?" Hearing this made Peach laugh, but her stare was cold afterward.

"Personally, I think it's time for some change, but that's just my opinion." The princess mused, glancing over at the couple before shrugging and continuing down the sidewalk.

Palutena hesitantly followed, a thoughtful look on her face.

"Oh, and by the way, don't even bother with Ike." Peach added.

Wait, what? Palutena screamed in her mind, eyes widening. Don't want!

Even though she didn't voice her discontent, Palutena grudgingly followed behind the group. They made it to the end of the street, back to where the train station lay waiting for them.

"Wait! Look," Peach inspected, squinting her eyes, "isn't that Zelda?"

Wii Fit Trainer looked to the train platform, nodding in confirmation that it was the Hylian Princess. She was hunched over, elbows on her knees and hands holding her face up.

"Maybe we should go ask if she wants to come eat?" Palutena asked, genuine concern on her face.

"I guess, let's go." Peach nearly grumbled, speed walking over to Zelda. When the group got close enough, Peach tried to catch her attention.

"Hey! Zellie!" She waved to the purple-clad princess, and it took a moment for the waving to actually work. Zelda looked up at the trio, lifting a hand to wave back. She sat up straight and brushed a finger under her eye, wiping away the trance.

"Hello, Peach and company," she said, standing up as the three stopped in front of her, "what did you all need?"

"What's wrong, Zellie? You only talk prim and proper when something is wrong..." The Hylian broke down at the statement, collapsing back into her seat.

"I-I broke up with Marth."


Lucina's laugh was contagious and caused the rest of the group to clutch their stomach in pain. They were the loudest in the Bar & Grill, and the bartender had just given them their second warning.

"Ahh, we should get outta here; it's getting late, I think." Shulk slurred, downing his last drink before stumbling off the stool.

"Ag-agreed!" Lucina smiled, definitely feeling loosened up since first encountering the Manado boy. Robin and Pit followed Lucina and Shulk out of the place. The blond pulled back and walked next to Robin, a smile never leaving his face.

"Hey, Robin," Shulk said, wrapping his arm around the tactician's shoulders. "How you do?" Robin laughed at the bad use of words Shulk gave.

"I'm pretty darn great!" He said, bringing up a hand to run it through his white hair. "Feel like I could do anything!"

Shulk just stared at Robin, his smile vanished from his face. He glanced forward at Lucina and Pit, whom where busy singing some energetic song, then looked past the tactician. Without thinking it through, Shulk pushed Robin into the alleyway that they were about to walk past.

"W-wait! Shulk, what are you doing?" Robin stumbled from the force, using the wall for support.

Shulk didn't respond, he just followed suit and walked into the alleyway. He stood in front of Robin and brushed a hand on the side of his face. Robin didn't move, seemingly paralyzed by the gentle touch.

The blond smiled again and then closed the space between them, pressing his lips gently against Robin's, who wasted no time in moving a hand to the back of Shulk's head. In a matter of seconds, the kiss was intensified, and Shulk wrapped his arms around Robin's waist, bringing him as close as possible. Robin blushed a dark crimson, feeling light-headed and strange. He moved to cup Shulk's face and felt that it was on fire under his hands. They were sloppy, obviously drunk, and without a care in the world.

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