"Relax baby. Everything is fine now okay."

"I'm not so sure Izzy would agree with you Jace."

"Give her time; she will come around. I have to tell you I am almost offended by her. I mean she is my sister after all but the way she is so protective of you only makes me love her more I think."

"Do you think it would be a good idea if maybe I went and talked to her alone?"

"I can't tell you what to do Clary. If you feel like it would make you feel better to go and have a private talk with Izzy then that is up to you."

"I feel like if I don't go talk to her then our already fragile friendship might be hurt further. When you were gone she tried so hard to get me to talk to her. She kept apologizing to me for not spending enough time with me but I just pushed her away. She kept trying to get me to talk to Simon on the phone and both her and Alec kept trying to get me to go and see Simon. They know that Simon is my best friend and I know they thought that if I would at least talk to him then maybe I would stop crying and hiding in my room. I didn't want to talk to Simon. I didn't want to talk to anyone but you."

"Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't think you wanted to talk to me anymore. I figured you left because you hated me after what I had done to you in the training room. Not to mention; even if you would have answered your phone that isn't the same thing as seeing you. Everything I wanted to say to you couldn't be said over the phone; I needed to face you when I talked to you about how I felt. To be able to look you in the eyes when I made my apology to you."

"When did you decide that you wanted to talk to me?"

"The same day I attacked you in the training room; well later that night actually. It was really late; probably almost one in the morning and I didn't want to wake you up. I went to sleep with the intensions of finding you first thing the next morning but when I woke up you were already gone."

"Fuck! You should have come to my room; I wasn't even sleeping at one in the morning. Even if I were sleeping; waking up to your beautiful face would have been the best way in the world to wake up."

"I'm sorry. I did think about texting you. I figured if I sent you a text saying that I wanted to talk to you then maybe you would come back home but I just couldn't push the send button."

"Hey let's put all that behind us okay? We could sit here and play the shoulda coulda woulda game all day but let's not do that. I think we should go to the park like you wanted to earlier."

"I only wanted to go to the park so we could put off talking about everything to Alec and Izzy."

"So what do you want to do then? We should go do something fun; after all of that we could use a little bit of fun today."

"We could go for a ride in your car. You haven't even showed it to me yet."

"You haven't seen snowflake yet?"


"That's her name. I named my car snowflake."

"Awe that is...kind of sweet actually."

"Give me time baby and I will show you that I can be so sweet you will get a toothache."

"I have a confession to make to you Jace."

"Oh and what's that?"

"I actually have seen your car."


"About three months ago I was home alone and I was bored so I took a tour of the institute."

"Did you touch my car when you went into the garage?"

HER GREEN EYES (TMI-CLACE FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now