Kadava ladoo is here!

Start from the beginning

We go some breathing exercises and mrs. Assumption says " I think they both have cold. Nandakishore get some vicks"

I look at Manik and we both are controlling our laughs.

"Aunty we don't..."

"Oh you don't like vicks, then we have
Tiger balm,
Nyquil ,
Vapo drops
Or anything. Which do you want?".

"We don't have.. "manik says

"I know you don't have medicines. I will give na" she says.

But suprisingly for the first mrs. Salaah helped us " arey, aparna they don't have cold. Why you always like this ? Why can't you shut your mouth? Why do you not listen to me. Why cant you obey your mother in law. You should respect your mother in law like your own mother. You should shut your mouth"

Well lets say everyone has their own style of helping.

We started doing pair yoga poses.

We started doing pair yoga  poses

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"Dad, I also want play ring of ring of roses

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"Dad, I also want play ring of ring of roses." Soha says.
He laughs.
Amazing father, amazing daughter.

"Soha we are doing yoga. We arent playing" I say controlling my laughs.

"Oh" soha says quite disappointed.

"Can I try with Manik" soha says as her face brightens.
Before I could reply I am pushed to the couch and soha is trying totally ridiculous poses.
Nutcracker laughs throughout. Ya that laugh was needed.
Soha was looking like a maniac and Manik was trying to look as less stupid as possible

Soha was looking like a maniac and Manik was trying to look as less stupid as possible

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After soha nearly squeezed manik to death, manik was on the floor like a lifeless creature

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After soha nearly squeezed manik to death, manik was on the floor like a lifeless creature. Soha got up and said
"I am so talented, but manik you need to improve your stamina"

 Soha got up and said"I am so talented, but  manik you need to improve your stamina"

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Then I had to nearly drag manik to the room".

"Manik you're fine ?" I asked concerned.
Once we had this dandiya dance and I nearly got beat to death by soha. I went for the dance from the house healthily and came back with bruises on my face. Now you can imagine what Manik's condition.

"Abhey Nandini, please lets escape from here. That soha may look skinny as a twig but she is heavy as a big log.

"Manik" we hear a voice. Who else kadava ladoo.

"Babe you good. Don't feel bad. You can improve you're stamina. And Nandini I am sorry" she says and drags Manik away.

Why did she say sorry?
"How dare she stick on to Manik like this.
Fevicol kadava ladoo. Boyfriend stealer.
Why does it affect me? Manik and his life and he is not my boyfriend.

Shameless creature" I mutter.

Anger inside me had risen to the peak. I stomped my leg and matched towards mk and soha. I pulled him away and literally dragged him to the room.

"Manik, why are you not telling her to go away. She is disgusting. You are so shameless. You allow her to come so close" I say angrily.

"Arey, what can I do? She is clinging on to me........... wait. Is Nandini moorty jealous. Tell me." He says with a smirk on his face. He traps me between his hands.

"Why w..will ... I be j.. jealous. I am .... not... jealous" I stutter.

"Are you sure?" He asks coming closer leaning on to me.
"Ab...absolutely sur..e" I stammer.

"Then let me call soha and ask her for a date. You know she isn't very bad" manim says walking towards the door.

"Manik ! Fine I was jealous. I don't like anyone to come near you. You understand, stay away from that kadva ladoo" I say impulsively.

We walks towards me and places a kiss on my cheek and says" you just had to say it. Your wish is my command"

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