Memento Mori

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Author's Note: Hey Guys, for some reason this chapter did not show up when I thought I updated it. If you been following my story on Quotev, this chapter was missing for some reason here on Wattapad. This is not a new chapter. I plan to update again when summer break comes my way. I thank you all for following the development of Let it Go, Maiden of Ice.

Time skip brought to you by Zoro's three sword style (One Piece reference) 

Your POV

W-Where am I? Where are my friends? Erza... Mira... Krystal.... what happened to them? And the former chairman? No... wait... The tea with an unusual scent, the suspiciously small amount of Tartaros soldiers arriving at the house, and the former chairman smiling....

No, w-was the former chairman actually in league with Tartaros? I-I got to get out of here....

3rd Person POV

(Y/N) woke up to find herself in a grand bedroom. The decor is all elegant, a candle chandelier hanging from the ceiling, and a fireplace lit up on the other side of the room. However, the room was windowless. Only a large metal door stood as a means of escape.

When (Y/N) was about to sheath the bed covers and run for the exit, she soon discovered being chained up. Her hands were bound together as well as her legs. She tried using her Ice Magic to bust the chains, only to be baffled. No matters how hard she tried, she couldn't use her magic.

As she kept struggling with the chains, the sound of the door creaks. (Y/N) halts to view a man in armor opening the door. The words, Absolute Zero, were written on the left side of his chest plate. She notes how he has a scar diagonally across his left eye. He closes the door with a smile never leaving off his middle-aged face.

"I see you're up and about. I'm glad to know that. It'd be a shame if a beautiful lady like you were to never wake up."the man in armor says as he walks over to (Y/N). She continues to fight against the chains and handcuffs. The mysterious man chuckles at the cute attempt she makes. "It's pointless, little lady. Those bonds are made of magic-sealing minerals. As long as you're chained up, none of your magic will work."

(Y/N) stops stuggling to look at him with a scowl on her face. He couldn't take her seriously seeing how adorable she looked in his grey eyes.

"Who are you?" (Y/N) demands, rather than ask. Doing the unexpected, the man bows like a butler.

"My apologies, my lady. Where are my manners?" he says while she raises an eyebrow. "My name is Silver. It's a pleasure to meet you. I've heard so much about you, Maiden of Ice." the man introduces himself. For some reason, (Y/N) can faintly smell a familiar scent coming from Silver. She pushes that off, seeing how she had other priorities to worry about.

"Where are my friends?" Silver sighs deeply. It looks like he was breaking bad news to an innocent child.

"Sorry, little lady. Kyouka-san is taking care of your other friends. As for the little purple one, she is in good hands." Silver responds. (Y/N)'s pupils dilate and her (e/c) widens.

"Krystal?" she questions at first. "Where is she? Where have you taken her?" she grits her teeth. She kept shaking, trying to get the dang chains and handcuffs off her. Silver held his hands out.

"Whoa there, little lady. I already told you, these magic-sealing handcuffs are in effect as long as you're attach to them. I can ensure you that this Krystal is fine." Silver tries calming her down. "Unfortunately, I can't say the same for the others." Silver turns around once (Y/N) stops fussing.

Let It Go, The Maiden of IceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz