Lamia Scale

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Time skip ~~ brought to you with a bang (Cowboy Bebop reference)

The indigo Exceed flies as swiftly as she can. With the fact Tartarus is a moving guild on a spacial cube, the pressure is on for Krystal. Each flap of her white wings cries out for her to slow down. If she keeps pushing herself, it's only a matter of time before she'll pass out. It still doesn't stop her as the Lamia Scale guild is up ahead. Her entire figure glows neon violet as she unleashes her max flight speed.

Within seconds, Krystal bursts through a window and crashes into the guild floor. The members of Lamia Scale were all shocked by the sudden crash. A few of the members thought it was an attack from Tartaros. They were preparing to defend the other former council members and strike back.

When the dust fog clears up a bit, that's when the members recognize a coughing indigo fox. The silver haired ice mage's eyes widen to see Krystal being covered in dirt and bruises. Without hesitation, he dashes over to the injured Exceed. Bending on his knees to tend to the poor darling.

"Krystal!" Lyon shouts.

Everyone in the guild lets their guard down to figure out the situation. Before she could collapse to the ground, Lyon catches her. He turns her around so that she was laying down. His hand cradles her head and the other supports her back. A rest of the well-known Lamia Scale members were surround the two of them.

"What happened? Are you alright?" Lyon asks. Krystal's eyes were half-lid. She could barely keep them open since most of her energy has been drained from the flight.

"L-Lyon.... (Y/N).... n-needs" That was all she could whisper before she finally passes out. Everyone is the guild is startled by the news of the Maiden of Ice being in danger.

"(Y/N)! What's wrong? What happened to her? Tell me!" Lyon begs and shakes the sleeping fox. Jura places a firm hand on Lyon's shoulder.

"Calm down for just a moment. Take a deep breath." Jura insists.

"How?! (Y/N) is in danger and you're telling me to take it easy?" Knowing Lyon is not going to stay calm and Krystal needing medical attention, he looks over to the short girl with the hot pink hair.

"DON'T DIE ON US, LITTLE FOX!" Toby exclaims.

"Be quiet and calm down." Yuka, standing next to Toby, orders in an annoyed tone.

"Chelia, please use your Healing Magic on Krystal. We'll need her to brief us in on the situation that's going on."

"Right. I'm on it." The Wind God Slayer rushes over to the injured fox. She bends down, across from Lyon, and places her hands next to Krystal. A bright green glows to provide the healing process.

Time skip ~~ brought to you by NICO NICO NI~!! (Love! Live! reference)

"The former chairman was a Tartaros spy?" Jura questions. No one could have believed someone like him would betray them.

"Yes. Erza, Mira, (Y/N), and I were sent out to provide him protection. However, we were drugged and taken to the guild. I feel ashamed for not realizing the suspicious activity sooner." Krystal explains with her head down. With everything that's going on right now and the guilt Krystal is showing, no one has a reason to doubt her words.

"Then why do you need Lyon's help? What happened to (Y/N)?" Chelia asks worriedly.

"And how did you manage to escape?" Sherry questions.

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