Chapter 2

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Marinette and Adrien stood outside the castle doors. They both had on light ,leather armor. Adrien started to speak, "Well m'lady-"

"Don't even start." Marinette stopped him. They were both silent.

The partners traveled into a dense forest. Marinette looked down at the earrings King Fu gave her. She turned them over and over trying to find out why they are so important. Well I better put them on. Even though I have no clue why they are so important... ,she thought to herself. Marinette put on the earrings. Nothing happened, she thought. She sighed. Adrien watching her, put on the ring he got.

"But nothing happened..." Adrien thought out loud. Marinette stopped and looked back ,but soon went back to walking. Marinette heard a branch crack behind her. She turned her head quickly. Adrien noticed her and turned to look where she was looking.

"What is i-," Adrien asked.

"Shhhhhhh!" Marinette answered.

From out of no where a grey shadow scurried into a bush. Adrien's eyes widened. They were both speechless.
Marinette asked Adrien, "What-t-", she was interrupted. A huge grey creature stood up from the bush.

Marinette looked up at the creature, "But that looks like a-"
Adrien gulped, "Gargoyle," he whispered to Marinette.

Marinette and Adrien stood there staring up at the gargoyle for a long minute. Marinette was stunned ,'I thought gargoyles were only myths!' ,she thought. After a while the gargoyle got sick of Mari and Adrien staring at it ,so it growled. The gargoyle moved close to their faces ,sniffing them. Adrien gulped again. Marinette whispered to Adrien ,"We have to do something." With hearing this the gargoyle growled and picked up it's huge hand ,slashing it in front of Marinette and Adrien.

Adrien stepped back ,"Yep,yep TOTALLY have to something about this!" The gargoyle jumped towards Marinette. With her being scared she put out her hands to block the gargoyle. Instead of her being pushed to the ground ,the gargoyle was. She looked confused at the gargoyle ,laying on the ground. Adrien looked at Marinette confused, "Mari, your hand!" Marinette looked at her hand. There in her hand was a red yoyo. Marinette looked at it confused ,but then started to twirl it. Suddenly the yoyo was spinning at an impossible speed. Adrien looked at her ,"Nice yoyo tricks," he laughed. Marinette was annoyed ,but then she remembered the gargoyle. She looked over at it. The gargoyle had finally stood up. And was running towards Adrien ,thinking that Adrien was defenseless.

Adrien put out his hands and a long ,grey stick grew out of his arm. "Cool!" He shouted. He picked it up and ,using it as a sword, started attacking the gargoyle.

After what felt like hours of continuous fighting, the gargoyle was defeated. On the last hit to the gargoyle, a weird, purple butterfly flew from the ashes of the gargoyle. Marinette watched the butterfly fly into the air. Her yoyo shaking in her hand as she let it go. It started twirling on itself and caught the butterfly. After a few seconds the yoyo let the butterfly go ,but instead of it being purple it was white. Marinette and Adrien looked confused at the butterfly as in flew into the air.

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