Harry Styles AU: Lovely Boy

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Clara's P.O.V

I don't much like concerts. The screaming and extremely loud music gives me a head ache. In fact I would rather be at home in my flat reading a book. That is exactly where I would be if my best friend Melena wouldn't have dragged me out to see one of her favorite artists. I had promised her I would go; I didn't know she could actually afford the douches concert. Don't get me wrong her taste in music is pretty cool and the guy’s music isn't half bad. But I still can't stand him because he is just too damn cocking.

The song ends and the room erupts into screams as girls clap and shout things at the smirking man on stage. He comes front and center on the stage and bows low never looking away from the audience. His brown curls fall forward slightly and his crystal green orbs glitter in the flashes from cameras. He straightens up and raises both arms in the air in an "I'm king of the world!" pose.

"Thank you so much everybody! Thanks for coming out and remember," he says with a cocky smirk as he holds his microphone out to the audience.

"Fuck the rules and LIVE HOW YOU LOVE!" The whole crowd shouts enthusiastically including Mel who has a huge smile on her face. Wow profane much?

"That was simply amazing!" Mel shouts as we file out of the large arena.

"Yea sure that is the feeling of my pounding head and soundless ears." I say sarcastically and she groans rolling her eyes at me.

"He is a gorgeous sexy piece of ass who has the voice of an angel." she states. "How can all of that goodness give you a head ache?"

"I don't know maybe it was the "I can seduce you all" charm or the "Bow at my feet" vibe that just got to me. You know it also could have been the thousands of screaming girls as well." I say as I pat down my pockets for my keys seeing as I will be driving us. The problem I find myself facing is there are no keys anywhere on my person.

"I can't believe you! He is nothing like that." she says and I roll my eyes as I stop in my tracks. I love Mel but bless her heart she is a horrible judge of character. She even admits it saying I am her one good exception.

"Shit Mel I forgot my keys in the arena!" I say and turn to walk back.

"Hey I'll meet you at Perkins Dinner okay? Or do you want help?"

"No I got it. I'll meet you there and order my usual." I say walking backwards as I wait for her response.

"Of course Clara what else could you get from a menu with 19 other dishes." she says playfully and I smile at her attempt at teasing me.

The arena that was minutes before packed with people is now empty aside from the men who are cleaning things up. Unfortunately our seats were floor seats so I have to weave my way through to the front where the large stage looms. Finding our seat row I start to make my way down the aisle when a loud CRASH fills my ears and I jump.

"What have I told you about this? Didn't I say it was NEVER to happen again?" a loud male voice booms and I turn to see a tall figure towering over a small boy maybe around nineteen.

"Yes you did I apologize it will never happen again."

"Don't you give me that bullshit! That is exactly what you said the last two times and I have had enough of your idiotic excuses!" he roars at the boy and I feel anger boil up inside me.

How dare he talk to him like that, like he isn't even a human, I don't care how many hormonal girl fawn over him it doesn't give him the right to be such an ass. Balling up my fists I march over to where the boy and the obnoxious rock star stand.

"How dare you!" I yell at him and at first he does nothing but continue lecturing the boy in a heated tone. "I am talking to you ass whole!" I say grabbing his arm and pulling him around to face me. Wow I didn't realize just how tall he was and as he looks at me with an angry gaze and tense body I feel the urge to cower in his shadow. But that is so not going to happen.

"Excuse me but is there something you want?" he says in a voice that holds a strain of fury.

"Yes I want you to apologize to this boy for yelling at him like he is a dog! In fact you shouldn't even be yelling at a dog like that!" I say in a heated tone as I stare into his amused eyes.

He chuckles deep in his throat. "I don't see how it is any of your business how I treat my employees." he says and I frown.

"Maybe but not even being a cocky rock star gives you the right to treat another human being like that."

He stares at me for a long moment before he turns back to the boy who is looking at me with amazement though I can only imagine why.

"Luke I am sorry for my outburst I can see how I might have slightly overreacted, you are dismissed." he says in a calm cool voice before he turns back to me. The boy smiles at me and nods before rushing away. "You are dismissed" really? This guy is a little crazy for control.

"Well alright then." I say and nod my head before walking away to find my keys.

"Hey wait a minute!" he says as he follows close behind me. "What is your name." he says and I realize he doesn't say it as a question but as a demand.

"I won't tell you." I say and as I finally spot my keys at the foot of my chair and I sigh in relief that they are still here. I make the mental note to get deeper pockets. As I bend over to scoop up my keys a large warm hand wraps around my upper arm and pulls me around so I am facing a now amused and possibly angry face.

"I can always make you." He says and gives me a mischievous grin that shows off two dimples.

I gasp lightly as he grabs my waist and pulls me close to his tall muscular frame. Oh God. He towers at least a foot above me and I know he can easily over power me if he wanted to. Physically that is, mentally he will get a run for his money.

"Let go of me." I spit in distaste as I pull myself away from him

"Come on babe I just want to have a name to put to such a pretty face." he says wearing a perfectly cocky smile. Ass.

"My name is Clara and I am leaving." I say as I make my way up through the aisles to the exit doors. So close. Closer. Almost out.

Right as I reach for the door I am pulled back and pressed up against the wall beside it and his hips hold me in place as I struggle to free myself.

"What now?" I groan and plant my hands on his chest trying to push him off. It does no good he is solid muscle and they ripple under my fingertips as he leans forward. "What do you want?" I say my voice strangled by the odd sensations running through my body.

He chuckles and I make a un-lady like sound of disgust. Leaning in he presses his lips to my ear and his warm breath that tickles my neck causes me to shiver.

"I think we both know what I want here." he says as he takes advantage of his position to glance down my shirt before his gaze meets mine.

"Well maybe I am a bit slow today so why don't you explain it to me." I sneer and buck up against him and quickly settle down realizing I just created unnecessary friction.

His eyes lids are heavy as he leans in to whisper in my ear. "You." he says his voice raspy and he lightly nips my ear for further emphasis.

"What if I told you there is no way in hell that was going to happen?" I manage to get out.

"Then," he says darkly "I would tell you that you are wrong. I'm Harry Styles, love, I get whatever I want. Right now that is you."


AUTHORS NOTE: Hey so here is part one or chapter 1 of the Harry Styles short! I hope you enjoy and please Comment/Vote Thanks so much! And I want 3+ votes and 2+ comments before I update! Thanks! :) Xx


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