"Aw, they're so cute." Nora pleads as if she's seen the cutest dog in her life.

"Don't flatter yourself," I said.

"Damn, do I smell a hater?"

"A High Schooler hitting on you, priceless," I tease. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"I came by to ask you if you'd like to be part of the audience during my show."

"You're performing? Where?"

"Marie Antoinette on broadway. It'll be in the city. Times Square. I got the leading role of Marie. Can you believe it? I got the fucking part!" she said pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, that's great, congrats. Of course, I'd like to be there."

"Awesome. I thought you'd want to hear it in person," she looks down at the floor. She lifts her head up as her smile became wider that I can see both her bottom and top teeth." So here I am mother fucker!" she yelled pushing me on the bench with force.

"Yeah, believe me, I can feel your energy!" I said wincing in pain. I grabbed my shoulder making sure she didn't knock any important joints out of place. Her phone rang. Immediately she's distracted by the call and ignores me while I'm dying over here on the bench.

"Yes, okay, I'll check you later," she said ending her conversation quicker than I thought. She digs in her purse while mumbling a chorus of words that I have no knowledge of. "Damon, here are the tickets," I grab the ticket from her looking at the basic detail. "It's tonight, don't be late okay. I have to go to rehearsals!" She dashes out holding her dress in place and out the double-doors she burst right through.

"It's tonight?" I yell sounding out of life. I hoped it would be some other day. I looked at the ticket in my hand. Another one popped up. I didn't even notice she gave me two. Did she know that I might invite someone? Did she do this on purpose?


The thought of going by myself to Nora's show tonight might not be a bad idea. Although bringing someone along would be even better.

I hope she invited Kurt, her mom, or anybody else related to me.

Probably friends too, but then I remembered Nora doesn't socialize much with strangers. Yet alone build a relationship. I'm all she's got. Even though she's my annoying cousin, she's also my best friend.

The clock ticks and tocks every minute. I couldn't decide whether if I should put the extra ticket to good use.

What are you doing Damon? Just go already.

I picked up my phone and dialed Jaide's number. It rang three times. I'd expect her not to answer but then her voice traveled through the wires and my body went off like a school bell.


"Yes," she replies.

"Do you want to go out to the city to see a play on broadway tonight?"



"Oh, that seems wonderful. Yes, I'd like to join you." Oh, thank God.

"Great, I'll pick you up," when her voice started cracking, I told her to wait and not hang up."Jaide, what time do you think you'll be ready?"

"It's seven-thirty right now. I think I'll be ready by eight-thirty or forty-five, is that too long?"

"No," Yes! "Just call me back when you're done, princess."


I waited for Jaide inside my car immovable, looking at myself and daydreaming through the rearview window. I paused in time and moved again like a robot in action. I blinked his eyes constantly as they were beginning to dry. The street lights covered each car in a triangular gyration. It seemed as if each car had its own spotlight.

Shh, Just Kiss Me (18+)Where stories live. Discover now