"Because I walked here to check on you, and you're driving me home," he says.

I sigh in defeat. "Okay."

"Who the hell was that?"


"That guy."

"Josh? He goes to school with me, and he works with me now."

Landon frowns. "Stay away from him."

"Why?" I exclaim.

"Because I said so. I didn't like the way he was looking at you."

"L-looking at me?"

"He was checking you out."

"Last time I checked, it wasn't your job to tell me who to be friends with!"

"He didn't want to just be friends, Lexi."

"This is ridiculous! You're not the boss of me, Landon!"

My voice is raising, and thank God for the darkness, because I am blushing furiously.

"I'm just telling you that that guy is trouble."

"I could say the same for you!"

Landon's eyes widen, and I can tell that I have touched a nerve. Wanting to grin in satisfaction, I then say, "Are you actually jealous of him, Landon? I just met him."

"So you don't like him?"

"Like him? Of course I like him. He's nice, and funny, and doesn't stalk me everywhere I go!"

Landon's face snaps in my direction, and I know I have gone too far. Anger contorts his face and his breathing picks up. He leans across the console and puts his face close to mine, gripping my face and forcing me to look at him. Fear takes over me, and as much as I try to hide it, I am sure it shows.

"What did you just say?" he snarls. I am paralyzed with fear of this angry man before me, not able to move. Suddenly I am afraid that he will hit me, harm me, somehow.


Then, just as suddenly as my words had flipped his anger switch on, they flipped it off. His grip on me softened, and he backed away from me a few inches.

"You thought I was going to hurt you," he states.

I try my best to ignore the pressure building in my throat, to swallow down the forming tears.

"You thought I was going to hurt you," Landon repeats, "didn't you?"

I dare to look back into his eyes and see them clouded with worry and guilt. He really is concerned about me. I don't answer, but instead bite my bottom lip and stare at the floor. My eyes disobey me as I feel a tear trip down.

Landon touches my cheek to wipe it away; I didn't know he could possess such gentleness. Still, though, his touch frightens me, and I jerk away, my back hitting the car door.

"Lexi, please," Landon whispers. "I am so sorry. So, so sorry. I didn't mean...I didn't mean to scare you. I would never, ever hurt you, I swear. I'm not like my father."

He falls silent. With a shaking hand, I press the unlock button.

"Get out," I command in a small voice. Landon looks at me as if surprised.


"Get out of my car," I say again.

"Lexi-you know I would never-I'm sorry, I am-"

This time, I make eye contact with him before repeating myself.

"Get out."

"Please, Lex, don't leave me."

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