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I CURL MY hair and braid the front, pinning it to the back of my head. I apply makeup and smooth down my short, shimmery blue dress-from Thailand-and take a final look in the mirror to make sure my appearance is okay. And I can't help but think I look pretty good. Austin would call me sexy if he were here.

I grin at the thought of Austin. I miss him so much, and I'm no longer angry with him after our most recent conversation.

I walk down the stairs to where my mom is reading her book.

"Hey, Mom, I'm gonna go," I tell her.

"Don't you want me to drive you?"

"No, I know where she lives. It's not far at all. It's just on the other side of the neighborhood."

"Don't tell me you're walking across the neighborhood in that party dress."

"Mom, I'm used to walking, like, everywhere in New Zealand! You shouldn't be worried."

"Are you sure you'll be okay?"

"Yes, Mom, I'll be fine."

"Oh..." Mom takes a deep breath. "Okay. Keep your phone on. You look beautiful. Have fun, Lex."

"Thanks, Mom," I say, and head out the door into the warm, late August night.


My finger hesitates before ringing the doorbell. What am I doing? This is totally unlike me. I've lived here a little less than a week and only been to school one day, yet I'm showing up at a girl's party. A girl that I barely even know. I can be sure that I'll be getting a lot of the "new-girl" looks tonight.

But why not go? Maybe I'll have fun.

I ring the bell and the door is almost immediately opened by Morgan, her blonde hair down straight and her dress short and silvery.

"Hey, Lexi!" she shouts over the large music, pulling me into the house. The house is big and totally looks like a typical teenage house-party seen in movies. Lights, music, food, dancing. And people. People everywhere.

"Hey!" I reply, smiling at her.

"I'm so glad you could come! Come on, I'll introduce you to come people."

She shows me around the rooms, pointing out and introducing me to several people. Most of them seem nice. I am walking away from a pretty Asian girl named Nazka when Morgan pulls me over to a wall and points out a blonde girl making out with a boy that's obviously her boyfriend.

"That's Rylee Crause. She's the most popular girl in our school. When she told me she was coming to my party, I about peed myself."

I laugh at Morgan, still staring at the couple. "Is she nice?" I ask.

"No," Morgan immediately snaps. "She's awful. A backstabbing, whiney, rude, self-obsessed drama-queen."

I don't know what to say, so I just nod.

"Anyway," Morgan continues, still gripping my arm, "just don't be friends with her. Please."

"Um, okay," I say. "But why were you excited that she was coming?"

"Because!" Morgan exclaims, turning her palms outward. "It's Rylee Crause!"

Laughing, I pretend that this explains everything.

"Look, there's Claire," she says. "Let's go talk to her."

We join Claire in a corner, whose brown hair is curled and laying over her pink, ruffly dress.

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