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"OVER THERE," MORGAN says, pointing at the shop across from us. "It's a really cute store, let's go."

I'm at the mall with Morgan-it's Saturday afternoon, the day after the night of the party. She texted me this morning and told me that she and Claire were going, and invited me to come along. But then Claire had some last-minute emergency and had to cancel, so now it's just me and Morgan. I really like her; she tries hard to make me feel included, and welcome. I've only known her for a day and I already feel close to her. Monday, when I return to school, I'll feel much more comfortable knowing that I have friends.

"Okay," I shrug, and follow her in the right direction.

Then I see him. Standing there with his hand in his pocket, leaning against the store's doorframe...he's even more beautiful in the light. I tense, my body instantly overcome with fear, frozen again. I can't move, I can't think, I can't do anything.

But suddenly I know that I have to move. Now.

He gives me a sky wink, aware that I've spotted him. He's been following me again, I know it. He's tracked me all the way to the mall. To the very store I'm entering.

Grabbing Morgan's arm and steering her away, I state urgently, "Stop. We can't go in there."

She throws me a bewildered look. "Why not?"

"That boy in there. Do you see him? At the entrance?"

She looks around, confused. "The hot one?"

I roll my eyes but nod my head, gripping her arm tighter to prevent her from nearing him. "That's the boy that chased me last night."

Eyes widening, she whispers, "Oh...that's creepy. He's staring at you."

"Yeah. I bet he's been following us...we should leave. Like now."

We walk as quick as we can in the opposite direction without raising suspicion. We're getting farther, we're about to turn a corner, we've passed several stores-

"Hey! Lexi!"

I pretend not to hear and keep walking. Crap...I'm truly terrified of this boy.

"Lexi! Wait up!"

His voice is closer now, and I glance at Morgan.

"What do we do?" she hisses.

"I don't know!" I reply, feeling tears threaten to spill over. I try to calm myself, but I can't. There's an older boy stalking me. And now he's following me in the mall. And he's trying to get me alone.

"I know you hear me, stop!"

I nearly fall over as I feel a large, rough, and unbelievably strong hand close around my forearm, yanking me back. My eyes show terror, I'm sure-there's no hiding it at this point.

"Why are you so scared of me?" Landon whispers, his face close to mine.

And for some strange reason, at his words, reality comes and hits me with the force of a freight train, and my situation becomes much more real. Wherever my confidence was hiding, it's broken out, and I'm able to act myself. As my instincts rush forward to take charge, my free hand raises, and I hear the smack of skin on skin. Though Landon doesn't react, his expression changes, and now he looks angry.

I've slapped him. Right in the face.

I manage to continue staring into his eyes in defiance, though my insides are cowering in fear. He stares back, and his grip on my arm grows stronger.

"Leave. Me. Alone," I demand. He releases my arm and I begin to rub it, feeling shooting pain.

"Fine," Landon says. "I'm in no hurry to win you over."

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