"Fine. You know Mitchell Grassi. Well, he left my house last night and didn't show up back at his house and didn't return any of my calls last night. And finally this morning, he called me and told me he wasn't coming to school, but he called me princess, which is a code. So I tried to get him to tell me where he is and why he was gone. And that was his mother, giving me updates on any news on my Best Friend, who was possibly kidnapped. All day I have been focusing on that, trying to assure myself that he isnt in danger or dead!" I said, glaring up at her.

Never before had I seen an adult so lost for words. I reveled that moment. "Now. I need my phone. And I am going. I have to find my friend." I grabbed my phone, which she had set on the desk, collected my things, and left, hurrying to the doors of the school.

There was Mrs. Grassi, sitting in their small car with Mr. Grassi sitting in the passenger. I ran over and tapped on the window. It slid down with a noisy protest.

"I will meet you at the station. I am going to go down the route to see if I can find something." I informed them them before turning and leaving to head to my car.

Climbing in, I set my stuff down in the seat beside me and sighed, hoping that I would find him, but I knew, in my secretest heart, that it was a long shot.

I drove from the school to my house and started there, driving slowly along his route. I knew it like the back of my hand. We had lived here our entire lives, in the same houses, so we knew every possible way to each other's houses.

I kept my eyes out as I drove through the particularly rough part of town. As I drove past an alley, something caught me eye. It was the all too familiar school bag that Mitch used. It was carelessly thrown into the alley, the contents, papers, books, pencils, spilling out. I stopped the car and climbed out, taking the keys with me.

I bent down and lifted it up, arranging the contents how I knew he wanted them. Then I returned to my car, fighting back tears. This crushed my hope that he was at someone's house. He wouldn't just leave his bag. Not when that Bag was his pride and joy.

Something terrible has happened to him. You knew it all along and yet, you decided to ignore it. If he is hurt, it is all your fault! My head screamed at me as I began to drive the the police station.

I stole glances every now and again at the bag, letting myself imagine the spunky teen sitting next to me, belting out song lyrics.

I fought back tears, chanting my mantra of "You'll only smear your Mascara and Eyeliner!" repeatedly as I pulled into the station. I left everything but my phone and keys in the car. As I pushed open the door, I was immediately met with a flurry of people of all ages, genders, and races racing around, papers flying in the air at one point off one of the desks, followed by a string of none to quiet curses.

"Kirstin?" The familiar voice of Mr. Grassi asked me as I looked around at the confusion. I saw them both and walked over ducking out of the way and murmuring apologies.

They were seated, watching a sharp faced woman work at her computer. "Tori!" She eventually called, her voice as harsh as her features. The name sounded familiar and I say there and pondered it until a familiar head of blonde curls aproached.

"Yes ma'am? What can I get for you?" I vaguely remember Tori telling me she got a job as an intern, but it wasn't until now I realized it was at the Police Station.

"Take this couple and their...companion back to Chief. Oh, and tell Travis to come here as well." She never looked up from her computer screen, typing away busily.

My classmate shook her head up and down before facing us. Her mouth dropped open as she took all three of us in. "Kirstie?" She gasped as she walked around the counter and pulled me into a hug.

"Tori! Now!" The woman snapped and my school mate nodded and beckoned for us to follow. As she lead us through the building, she finally posed a question.

"Who are they? Their not your parents. I know that." She bumped my hip with her's and cast a glance back at Mitch's parents.

"Those are Mitch's mom and dad."

"There is only one reason why parents are back here..." She said quietly and looked up at me. "He was kidnapped, wasn't he? Wait. No. You don't have to answer that. I'm not supposed to ask that." She ducked her head in shame, silent until we passed a certain door with a boy scribbling and typing faster than I could even process.

"Travis!" She called and the boy lifted his eyes to her, pausing his work. He watched us with brown eyes, his blonde hair styles up.

"Yes?" He asked, almost irritated to be bugged, I guessed, by the sound of his voice.

"Receptionist wants you." I couldn't help but smile at how they called her by her occupation.

"Great!" He groaned and muttered something about a 'whore' and 'Alex' as he stood and brushed past us.

"Now that that is taken care of..." She drifted off as we reached a door at the end of a long hallway. She knocked and a voice commanded their entry.

"See you at school." Tori smiled and headed back down the hall.

"Tell Toddy I say hi!" I yelled after her and then followed the older couple into the room. There, as a desk, sat a burly man with bushy eyebrows and a bushy graying mustache. His gaze was close together and all around severe looking.

"So, a missing teenager is your report?"

Please, I would love feedback to know what to improve upon. If you guys really want me to, I can stop writing Chapters from Kirstie's P.O.V.

Oh, and stay Sexy!

-Scomiche ❤🍓❤

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