"Longtime no see ,"

"Yeah ...."

"We have to go sorry " I said

"Wait let's chat "Nary asked

"Ok "


Everyone started chatting , everyone seemed to like each other a lot . I wasn't really interested in talking but Nary seemed to try to bring me in the conversation .

"You guys we should go if we wanna get to the concert early " Cassie said

"Yeah we should , nice meeting you guys ," I said

We waved goodbye and left the mall , I was surprised Nary didn't bother me about us about going out again , maybe he's over me . Hallelujah .

I glanced at myself in the mirror , Sarah , Cassie and Cassandra had put an outfit for me together . It was cute and chic but not to sleezy , I like it . A body hugging black dress that brought out my curves, they paired it with black pumps, a clutch and studded jacket.

Cassie wore a white dress that showed off her figure really well , she wore them with black Open-toe shoes .
Cassandra wore a dress almost the same but it was a cream colour . Sarah couldn't come to the concert with us because she was leaving to Mexico.

"Lets go !!!!"Cassandra said

Cassie twisted key and the engine started , she drove a bit slower then the limit but it was alright I need time to think .

I thought it would be easy to just come up to Cody and tell him but now that I'm only a few minutes away from actually doing it , boy am I nervous .

"We're here !!"

I slowly stepped out of the car and walked up to the stadium with Cassie ad Cassandra leading the way . Thy were talking about some boy they were crushing on .

When we got into the VIP area to wait and see Cody my hands were shaking my teeth felt like they would break off.

Cody walked into the room looking good as always in his Hollister t-shirt and ripped jeans . I saw a finger rapped around his when I know test it was a girl .

He broke up with me .
For another girl .

I'm such a fool for thinking a boy like Cody would actually like a girl like me.

As my eyes zoomed in on the girl I knew who it was instantly .

Acacia Brinley .


"Hey Kayla and friends ."

"It's Cassandra " Cassandra said rudely

"Ok Cassandra and ....?" Cody asked

"Cassie ." She said sternly ,

"Nice to meet you guys , nice to see you Kayla " Cody said

"You too" I nearly whispered

"This Acacia , my girlfriend "

"Hi guys " Acacia had dark red hair , her hair was normally blondish brownish but I guess she dyed it , her hair was neatly in out to the side , he was wearing a sheer blouse , shorts and combat boots .

"Hello " Cassandra said

"We'll this is pretty quiet ."

"Cody your on stage in 1-"

"K bye guys ." He stared at me for a slight second then pecked Acacia on the lips and left .

It wasn't even 2 days since me and Cody broke up and he already had a girlfriend AND kissed her .

"Stop looking at my boyfriend like that ok !? He's mine and only mine , I'm so happy he asked me out finally after all those tweets he warmed up to me "She said proudly

"When did he ask you out ?" I asked

"Around 5:30 yesterday why ?"

"No reason just curious. "

So he asked her out about 30 minutes after he mysteriously left my house .

We watched as Cody performed very one one and then he would glance my way but then go back to singing , it was really amazing how he engaged to every song and note .

When he was done he read back to us .

"Hey guys . " he said out of breath

"Hey babe , you did good " Acacia gave him a long kiss .

I looked away for the whole 10 seconds I jus wanted to cry my head out every time I saw them together.

We chatted about school and stuff , Cody acted normal like nothing happened between us the day before.

"Kayla can I quickly talk to you alone "
Cody asked

"Yeah sure ."

We stepped out into the hall when he blurted out "Kayla stop acting so stuck up ! Me and Acacia are together ok ! I don't want us to be but I was forced ok ! I like you Alot but we can't be together , just stay single while I sort this out .

"One , how am I stuck up ?
Two , don't tell me to be single
Three , how were you forced
AND FOUR ! YOU BROKE MY HEART !! You broke up with me by text message for God sake and asked out another girl less then an hour later , so leave me alone . I yelled

The tears swarmed tho right my eyes like a waterfall , I just needed to let that all out .

"Kayla ."

"Leave me alone . I'm done with you . I went thought so much guilt and depression because of guys . I'm just done with you . " I finally said

"I'm done ."

Out of the blue I saw Nary appear from the corner of the hallway "Nary?" I wiped the tears

"Yeah it me ."

He walked over to me "you told me you be at a concert a d Cody's was the only one happening so I came "

"Why ?"

"Because . Kayla will you please give us a chance ?"

"Who's he ?" Cody asked rudely

"It's Nary . My ex "

"Why didn't you tell me about this ? "

"I did you said you handle it . Well guess what now I'm am " I said

I had a deep breather an glanced at Nary

"Yes Nary , ill give you and me a chance "


THERE'S A 52/48
Chance next chapter will be the last guys , Im sorry I've been really busy and it seems people aren't really enjoying it . Your voted and comments pretty must show me . 5 votes out of 56 reads kinda shows me so if I do add another chapter after the next one your lucky . I'm not wasting my time on something no one wants .


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