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Princessjin: I'm going to sound really cheesy so sorry. Anyway, Hoseok, it's not been long since we started talking but you made me so happy. You have been one of the best friends I've ever met and I kind of want more than that. I've never been with someone before, and idk if online it'll be harder but for you, I'd suffer:))). Enough cringe, please don't leave me because I already am really nervous so fbdba. We can still be friends no matter what happens right? I still want to be your friends even if you say no so. But saying yes would be great:)
Love from your fellow seok (see what I did, I'm clever woo)
[Message failed to send]

Princessjin: did this message send
[Message failed to send]

Imyourhoe: Tesco mobile: this person's phone contract has recently expired, messages are no longer able to send or be received.

Seokjin felt him self break inside until he felt numb


still not over young forever

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