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Imyourhoe: 25 days now rip me

Princessjin: do you have to remind me as soon as it is the middle of the night

Imyourhoe: yes

Princessjin: but don't you need sleep?

Imyourhoe: don't you?

Princessjin: yeah but

Imyourhoe: if you sleep, I'll sleep

Princessjin: that's

Imyourhoe: that's what

Princessjin: ah, nevermind

Imyourhoe: you can't do that to a guy

Princessjin: what

Imyourhoe: gnensfkrkwkslfkre

Princessjin: you're weird

Imyourhoe: thank you

Imyourhoe: are you going to sleep now?

Princessjin: I can't

Imyourhoe: why not

Princessjin: I'm hungry

Imyourhoe: me too

Princessjin: you can eat then

Imyourhoe: so can you

Princessjin: okay

Princessjin: what do you want to eat

Imyourhoe: you

Princessjin: k

Imyourhoe: WOAH

Princessjin: what

Imyourhoe: I thought you were innocent

Princessjin: I'm older than you

Imyourhoe: but

Imyourhoe: okay true

Imyourhoe: but

Princessjin: I'm going to make myself a sandwich, farewell

Imyourhoe: cool

Princessjin: how is that cool

Imyourhoe: idk

Princessjin: I would make you one too but you're not here woops

Imyourhoe: REALLY?

Imyourhoe: JIN


Imyourhoe: does this mean that we're friends

Imyourhoe: jin

Imyourhoe: I need to sleep

Imyourhoe: goodnight friend

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