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I've been tagged to do a thing by cheyeblueeyes
So here you go.  

Firstly 10 facts about me, then answer a few questions, here it goes:

1. I've always loved cats, and in an ironic twist of fate it turns out I'm allergic; nice.

2. I used to have a strange obsession with snowcones and to this day still can't remember why.

3. I had my first existential crisis at around 7 years old.

4. I'm incredibly indecisive (I can't even choose between coffee and tea; side note, who drinks tea cold? I don't understand).

5. My favourite manga is pandora hearts, but I disliked the anime oops, but I'm reading owari no seraph and its v good too so.

6. I used to tell scary stories at day camp and that became what I was known for, but I get scared easily it's strange.

7. Supernatural is my favourite tv show seeing as I don't watch much TV(, but I still love reboot, black hole high, other obscure kids' shows).

8. I hate being tickled with a burning passion; I don't normally hurt people physically, but I would punch someone if they tickled me, touched my face, or pushed my hair back without my permission.

9. My favourite movie is probably the corpse bride, it's v good and the music is pleasing.

10. I love to sing (even if I'm not v good) and want to start a band, even if we'd suck and never go anywhere, it'd be fun.

Other questions:

How are youuuu?
I may or may not have multiple mental problems, but I'm alive and I have jelly beans so that's good I suppose.

Tell me about your day?
I did nothing but lie in bed and think, (and eat jelly beans) also watched YouTube for a time; how exciting.

What do you aspire to be when you're older?
Is alive and happy an answer?
Idk really, I've wanted to be so many things, most recently a therapist(how ironic, but not really), but I doubt it's a good path for me now.

Any pets?
In Canada I've had 2 birds, then a hamster, but not currently, no. (Though I am the queen of camels)

Favourite Disney film?
Idk I love most of them, Aladdin is my childhood fave, but I really like tangled.

Favourite author on wattpad?
Parttimestoryteller, it may be a phanfic acc but with genuinely some of the best writing I've found.

Favourite story on wattpad?
Oh no, they're all phanfics, brace yourself
(Most of parttimestoryteller's books);
Polaroid by _quietisviolent_
A revolution on canvas by potatoyoughurt,
Or misfit by melancholymango
Actually no, none of those
The knife fic
420/69 definitely the best story ever

What do you love about yourself?
Right now? Nothing; I'm a terrible person, maybe in a few months I'll have an answer depending on how things go.

What would you do if you could do anything right now?
Go on a quest with an interesting animal to find best friendship and riches.

You're out to dinner on a table with 9 other people who are they?
I'm going to assume they can be any living people; I don't have enough people ik to fill in those spots. I'm going to name the first 9 that come to mind:
Justin Bieber
Andy Biersack
Adam Sandler
Connor Franta
Daniel Radcliffe
Emma Stone
Emma Watson
Emma Blackery
Guy Fieri
...what a list

My questions:
What's the best thing in your life right now?
What're the first 3 words that come to mind when seeing the word orange?
Weapon of choice in the apocalypse?
Favourite album?
What are you doing right now?
If you could ride on any animal, which one would you pick?
Do you like kiwis?
What's your favourite word?
What's the weirdest thing you did as a child?
If you could bring any celebrity back from the dead in exchange for another who would you exchange?

I tag:
angelicdjh (you change your user sm wow m7)
To answer my questions and tell me the facts; have fun bye<2

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