Chapter 17

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chapter 17

                                          " I have no idea what has gotten into them " I said to Ally & Aj as we walked the hallways of the school to our first period class. I had biology.

                                            " Like they didnt want to leave my side - at all " I spoke.

                                            " Okay, and whats so bad about that? " Ally asked.

                                            " Nothing it's just really weird. " I admitted. " After all these years of completely ignoring me, they suddenly wanna be with me. " I emphasised.

                                              " Just yesterday my mother wanted me to bake cookies with her - Cookies. " I cried. " My dad even offered to take me to that amusement park I wanted to go to when i was eight " I added.

                                             " I guess they wanna make up for lost time " Aj notified.

                                             " Yea, Thats probably it " Ally agreed.

                                             " But, They cant just do that." I snapped. They cant just pick and choose when they wanna be my parents " I semi- yelled as we stopped in the front of my biology class door.

                                              " Well, you need to tell them that" Aj Pointed out.

I thought it through, and i was.

                                                " We'll see you later " Ally said before both her and Aj walked off.

I took my seat at my desk and zoned out completely.

Everything wasnt always as bad as it was.

When i was seven I was in the second grade. Each child was assigned to bring a pastry, mine were cookies. My mom promised we would bake the cookies together. The day that were suppose bring the pastries came and my mom and I hadnt bake a single cookie.

Early that morning before school we had to make a stop to the local bakery in town and she got me 2 batches of gookies to carry to school.

I was beyond upset exspecially when i heard the others girls talk about how their mother helped them with their pastry. When they asked me about my cookies I told them the truth.  " I got it from the bakery" I spoke. They laughed at me for the entire week.

The year after that I wanted to go To this Amusement Park With my dad for my 8th birthday. Everyone in my class had already been. All I wanted to do was go with my dad, i hadnt seen him in a while.

He promised me that he would clear his schedule for me and that he would fly in on that day so we could go. When that day came I got a phone call it was him, he told me he couldnt make it so pete took me.

I was disappointed, but i still had fun with Pete.

After that my parents stopped making promises. All the years i've been dancing my parents havent made it to one dance recital. Do you know how it feels for every other child in the dance group to have their parents in the crowd cheering them on as they danced and all i had were two empty seats.

Pete and diana would come whenever they could have, they were really busy around the house and running arrands for my parents.

I remember last year christmas, I volunteered at a soup kitchen. I watched family after family come in and took the little that they had they were still more of a family then the one I have.




My parents waited for me to get home. They literally greeted me at the door. They told me they had some important news.

We all sat down in the living room. I sat opposite from them, waiting for them to say that they were going back on a business trip.

                                               " Well hope " Mom started grabbing my fathers hands and smiling. " we are retiring " She giggled happily.

                                               " We wanted to spend more time with our daughter "Mom continued.

I sat there for a minute then started to laugh. They both wore an expression with their eyebrows knitted together.

                                               " Why are you laughing? " My dad asked.

I laughed for a minute more then finally answered the question.

                                              " Seriously, am about to leave for college next year and now you wanna spend more time with me? " questioned. " Where were you for the last 10 years " I spoke. " I needed you too to spend time with me then, not now " I contiued.

                                            " This definately has to be a joke " I said as I stood up from the chair to leave. I took a quick glaance at the face of my parents which showed confusion.

                                                " Wait just a moment yound lady " My dad said sternly. I continued to walk. I wasnt the one for disobediance but they cant choose when to be a parrent.

                                                 " Oh so now your my parent? " I asked as i left the room and started to walk down the stairs.

                                                   " We always were " My dad said as him and my mother followed me.

                                               " When was that? " I shouted. " When was that? " I restated " Was that when you guys were MIA at my dance recitals. I bearly got a call a month from you people. You guys claim that you were busy but, to busy to talk to your own daughter? Seriously who does that? " I questioned.

                                                    " All you had to do was show up for atleast one of the Dance recitals, call me atleast once a week, Be home on my birthday. I think the last birthday you spent with me was my 9th " I roared.

                                                " You guys expected me to forgive you in two days? You havent been in my life for 10 years. Pete and diana are more of my parents then you two are. You guys are strangers to me. " I screamed.

At this point I was in tears. I looked both of them in their eyes, and they were full of guilt. I wiped my running nose and ran up the stairs slamming my room door.


Short chapterr but am back.

Sorry for being gone so long but blame it on school :(

I still will be posting unregularly but hope for the best ;)

Bye now


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