The White Lady Peering Through The Glass

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Second day:

I am in reading class. It is my second favorite class to History. History is my fav. Now enough about that. I am now sitting at the side beside a window four seats up. The story I am reading is about young friends who finds out that the world they live in is not what it seems. It is actually a very good book. If I could have took it back to my dorm room to read it I would, but they are the teachers. The teacher I have right now is kind of a stiff head. Shows no emotion whatsoever. Hardly ever smiles. It is like he has no life in him. Oh well...

"Miss Vale." says the teacher. I stand up. "Yes... sir...." I say. Proper educate is something you have to use here. No slang or friendly talk. Only to your friends. To teachers you have to use it. Witch I don't mind, but I am not use to talking that way. It is not that I am afraid to talk like that. It is just I forget to talk like that. It's a little annoying, but can I do? It will take time, but I will learn like anything else.

So I take up the book and start to read. As I start reading I feel a presence to my left. I glance over and see a woman in white peering through the glass giving me creepy grins. I step back a little and trip on a pencil on the ground. My back hits the stair like desk, then I feel a pull on my uniform and am pull over the desk,roll over and thrown on my butt on the ground in front of the stair desk. I look up as I rube my back. "Man that hurt!" I yelled. Everyone starts laughing. "Man this is just great now everyone is laughing." I thought annoyed. Then I hear the teacher calling out to me. I open my eyes like I was in a daze. I look straight right in front of me through the glass window. The creepy woman was not there. I look down I am kneeling on the desk stair with my hand pressed against the window. I look around all eyes are on me. Even the teacher. " See me after class miss Vale." he says. " Great now I am in trouble on my second day. Great!" I mumble to myself. "Now miss Vale if you please sit down because I don't think Mr. Kiryu wants to see your um underwear." he says and coughs with after that clearing his throat. Then a boy with glasses leans over. "His name is Zero." whispers the boy. I look over at Zero he is blushing red in the face, covering his mouth, and looking to the side. I quickly sit down. " Sorry sir." and I look back at Zero. "Sorry Zero." I say and look back at the teacher. "Now miss Cross will you do the honor of finishing off where miss Vale left off." he says. The girl quickly stands up and starts to read.

After Class

I stayed after class like I was told. The teacher walks back into the classroom and heads over to me. He crosses his arms and opens his mouth to speak. "Young lady, do you like showing your underwear and interrupt my class?" he ask. "No Sir." I say. He could tell that I was not afraid of him at all. " You're not afraid of me are you?" he says. "No." I say. " You're the first. So for now on since these lessons in class are too easy for you. I request you to ask the class president if you could take on the rule on 'Vice Class President'. " he states. My jaw drops. One minute he is disciplining me and the next almost praising me. " He sure is strange." I thought. "Well." he says eyeing me. "Well that is the first emotion I have seen out of him. " I think to myself. "Yes sir." I say to him. "Good now good evening miss Vale." he says to me. He goes gets his books and walks out. I sigh and look out across the classroom again at the glass window. The creepy women was there again giving me creepy grins. I blink and open my eyes and she is gone. " This day has been getting really weird now." I say to myself. I quickly pick my stuff and head out the door.

As I am walking to my dorm down the hall someone calls out to me. "Hey wait up!" yells a boy. I turn around and stop. He has dark brown hair and wears glasses and plus he wears his uniform properly. "Neet." I think to myself. He runs over to me and stops. "Hello I am Kaseumi Kageyama." he says to me and holds out his hand. I take it. "Knight Vale." I say to him back with a smile and we shake hands. He lets go of my hand. "So I was wondering if you know if you could be my Vice President because well the last one just graduated last year. So I was wondering since you seem to know as much as I do....would you...." he says and I cut him off. "I would love too." I tell him excited. "Great!" he says. I smile. "So you want to be friends?" I ask. "Sure and if you like I can escort you to the girls' dorm." he says. "Yes please thank you." I tell him. Then we walk down the hall. 

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