Selena: Lets go shopping so we could look pretty for the guys 

Me: ok that is what I was going to ask you lol you read my mind 

Selena: yep lol bye

Me: Bye 

                                                                     After the phone conversation

So I was on my way to Selena's house so we could go shopping and look pretty. So we were on our way to this fancy store. Selena and I were thinking of getting outfits of there favirote color. So before we went to the store we got our nails done and hair. Selena's outfit hair and clothes looked like this I looked like this I thought the outfits were nice.I couldn't find anything that was Marcus favirote color.

                                                                                     Justin's Profile

So Marcus and me were on our way to pick up our girls we are going to this resturant named Cache. I got to say it is a really nice resturant.  So we got to Selena's house and we picked them nice I thought she looked really pretty and the purple outfit is perfect.

                                                                   In car conversation

Me: Selena you look very pretty

Selena: Thank you I choosed it just for you

Me: O I love how it looks on you

Selena: you look cute in that outfit too

Me: Thanks babe

                                                                 Victoria's and Marcus' conversation

Marcus: you really nice babe

Victoria: thanks honey you look cute too

Marcus: thanks I love you

Victoria: I love you too

We got to the resturant it was really nice. It is one of the nicest resturants I have came to.

                                                                  In the resturant

Me: Table for 4

The Waiter: please come this way ok I wil be right back

Me: ok

                                                                  few minutes later

The waiter: What would you guys like to drink

Selena: I would like to drink pink lemonade

The waiter: ok and you

Victoria: I would like to drink lemonade

The waiter: ok and you

Marcus: I would like to drink coke a cola

The waiter: ok and you

Me: I would like Orange Juice please

The waiter: ok I will be back with your drinks

Me: So Selena have I told you that you look so pretty and I love you babe 

Selena: thanks and you did you aslo look cute 

Me: thanks babe

Then Selena and I had a little kiss.

 The waiter: what would you guys ike to eat

Me: we would all like a salad

The waiter: Ok what kind of salad would you like

Selena: I would like to eat  a fruit salad

Victoria: and I would want a starwberry salad please

Marcus: I would like a blueberry salad

Me: I would like a regular salad please

The waiter: ok

                                                                                    Few hours later

I went to drop of everyone but we had a great time together.It was a blast.

                                                                       Selena's profile

I was thinking about Cody my boyfriend. I think he is cute. So me and him are going to a date together. So I was looking what I was going to wear. I put this on So I went on a date with him. Then I went to Justin's house but what I didn't know is that Cody followed me there. So I knocked on the door he answered. We were watching movies he feel upsleep. Then all of a sudden it was raining and i went to see who it was. Guess who it was it was Cody.

Me: Cody what are you doing here?

Cody: I came to see you

Me: come in 


Me: come here lets watch a movie ok 

I didn't know is that I left the door open and I feel upsleep.

                                                                      Justin's Profile

I woke up and I didn't see Selena ao I went to the bathroom and I saw something weird. I saw a person so I went in the room and I saw Selena huging this guy. I got so upset that I left some where I wouldn't I be found. I thought I wouldn't be able to do the Believe tour I probluy might cancel it cause of Selena.

                                                          A week later Justin is still missing

                                                            Jacky's Profile

BREAKING NEWS: Justin Bieber is missing we could not find him anywhere

The first thing i did is that I called Haley and I cried.

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