Chapter 41

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Chapter 41

*Sydney's P.O.V*

A few weeks have gone by since my little book fiasco with Niall. I honestly couldn't even handle the fact he would disagree to pick up a book. I knew and understood my influence on him so it was a no brainer when he finally agreed to read it. Ever since that afternoon I saw him reading it in his bedroom on afternoons he didn't have to work. He told me it was hard to understand in bits which blew my mind considering his age but he liked it. I think it just took in characteristic that he was a hopeless romantic. It was quite obvious on how he treated me. We kissed, we cuddled, we held hands, we even bantered like a couple. Neither of us knew what to calls us but we strayed from any names. He didn't bring it up, I didn't bring it up. We were both happy doing what we're doing so I didn't feel the need to change where we were. Niall makes me happy and that's all I've ever wanted.

We hadn't gotten intimate in any means since new years eve but something about that excited me. I missed being the only person that could see him so vulnerable. He would definitely make fun of me if I ever expressed those facts to him.

We hung out with rest of the guys, I saw their girlfriends on occasions. They were both truly great girls. Once I got to know Eleanor and moved past the known fact of her replacing me in my friend group I took the time to realize how much we have in common. We're both obsessed with Mario Kart, anything with Dickens in it, we both dislike coffee but like tea, we both had insane aunts, and finally we both understood each other on how much we missed our significant other when they had to work.

During those alone times I sometimes spent with Eleanor. It was different having a girl in my life again. After the solitude months without Amanda or Abbey everything was becoming a normal. Eleanor made things better. She made me laugh, sometimes even cry. Its like she brought my emotions back to my body. We weren't the best of friends but she was a girl in my life.

I continued to scribble random words along the endless paper in front of me. Niall continued to flip through the pages of Romeo and Juliet. I couldn't help but grin every time he would let out a frustrated groan when he came upon a difficult word. It wasn't difficult to me, but since Niall never finished high school he had a smaller IQ than me. We got to spend the afternoon and finally Niall would get a break tomorrow. He agreed to take me sailing for the first time later today after he finished the last chapter of the book. He said he needed to get his 'creative juices flowing'

"Are you done now?" I pestered crumbling up the piece of paper in my hands and tossing it in the trashcan in the corner.

"One you throw like a girl." He teased crumbling up the paper next to me and tossing it in the same bin. "And two, no, I am not."

"You're such a slow reader," I  groaned sliding out from underneath the bed sheets. My bare legs automatically formed goose bumps as the cold air from the open windows reached my skin. "Why do you keep these windows open its nearly April."

"April is spring. Spring is warm. Therefore windows shall stay open,"

"Not in London it isn't," I corrected shutting them swiftly and grabbing a maroon cardigan from his desk chair. I was pretty sure the sweater was Niall's. Our clothing had mixed so much I never knew who's was who considering I enjoyed wearing large t-shirts similar to Niall's apparel choices.

"Isn't Ireland weather similar?" He inquired putting his book on the side table. When he got out of the bed and slipped on some jeans from the floor and I tossed him a large navy blue sweater.

"You're hopeless," I sigh grabbing my VANS from the closet and lacing them up. He kneels in front of me and lifts up my chin so I met his gaze.

"You and I both, Martin." He winked before stealing a kiss from my lips. I profusely rolled my eyes at him before straightening out my jeans and following him out to the car. With the beating sun the weather was a bit nicer but still the Goosebumps shown on my arms was a blatant clue it wasn't shorts weather.

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