Chapter 20

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Chapter 20;

*Niall's P.O.V*

The soft music was surrounding us as we all hummed to the new tune. Management wanted to explore what music topics we could place in the background of our new movie. They had been following us around the past month for film shooting even though tour wasn't starting for another month or so. I was upset that we were leaving so sudden. I felt like the time wasn't right and it was interuptting something that could possibly be dynamic enough to change.

It couldn't be anymore blantant; I wanted Sydney to like me. Not just like, like friend kind of like. I wanted her to be attracted to me like a mangnent. Obviously, that task has become a bit harder. The whole sex overnight thing wasn't in my plans by what guy wouldn't want that? I mean; its Sydney. Sydney was incredibly gorgeous, her sense of humour was mesmerizing, and her body. She could put Megan Fox to shame.

"Niall," someone's hand was intrepidly waving infront of my face. I blinked rapidly turning to the inaminous voice.

"Sorry," I shook my head carding my fingers through my hair. I flipped my blond locks to the side trying to focus on the chords of the guitar in the music. I was going to be playing the main chorus; I was definetly excited. The rest of the boys couldn't really play instruments all that well besides Louis who could kind of manage the piano; I didn't mind. Being unique in this boy band was always a plus.

"Why so spacey, blondie?" Harry spoke obnoxiously.

"Just didn't get enough sleep last night, thats all." I defended.

"Come on boys just leave the poor boy alone," Liam retorted seeing they were already snickering at me.

"Thank you, Liam. For your kind gesture of getting these three twats off my back,"

"I don't think it was the right place to use that word," Zayn laughed.

"Shut up, quiff boy."

"Lord Almighty, Niall. Drop the attitude!" Louis remarked.

"Sorry," I sighed. "Got a lot on my mind lately-" I was stopped by the vibrating of my phone. I flipped it open glancing down at the text.

From Sydney: Meet me at the aquarium in twenty?

"Want to talk about it over dinner?" Liam inquired. I shot my head up shaking my head. A smile curled on my lips as I lifted my water bottle from the ground. I lifted it to my lips taking a swig and speaking, "Gotta run boys, Sydney wants to meet. I'll catch up with you later." I waved at them as I left through the door.

Thoughts swirled through my head on what she could want with me at her work place. I dismissed the thoughts already feeling my head getting clouded as I searched for my car in the parking lot.


"Syd," I called out. "Sydney," I repeated. The room I had walked into was bland and dark. I could sense plain white walls surrounding me. But this wasn't the entrance to the aquarium I was used to. She gave me specific directions on where to go from the parking lot and I followed them. The outside was familiar but this was just foreign to me. I stepped forwards again feeling water seep into my shoe. "Yagh," I let out a throaty noise airing out my foot.

"Sydney, I'm here. You can turn the light on now," I spoke softly itching my fingers at the back of my neck. Suddenly the lights flashed on making the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Two familiar birds stood in front of me, they were splashing around in a little make shift plastic pool. It looked like I was in a dance studio. Hardwood floors and mirrors surrounding the room stared back at me.

"You like?" I heard Sydney say from behind me.

"Besides the wet shoes, yeah this is cool." I leaned down on one knee and patted the boy penguin. I recognized the girl as Rebel.

"Oh, sorry bout' that. Probably should of told you to wear waterproof shoes," She giggled standing next to me.

"That's a thing?" I laughed stuffing my hands into my pockets.

"Ever heard of water shoes?" She giggled back at me.

"So why are we here," I stopped our odd conversation of water proof footware. It was amazing how off topic we could get. Yet, I loved it.

"I have a proposition for you," She began saying.

"Which is?"

"Want to adopt a penguin?"

"What?" I choked out.

"I made the desicion to adopt Rebel. So I thought you could adopt Rocky. You don't have to bring him home or feed him or whatever. He just is named with you and I take care of him while I work. Think of it as a late christmas present,"

"But then I feel bad not getting you anything," I grinned looking down at Rocky. This was the most bizarre thing I had ever heard of. 'Adopt a penguin'? It just appeared surreal to me. Either way that could mean spending more time with Sydney if we needed to feed them also giving me an excuse to come by her work. Sad enough, it was a win win. I got a penguin and an amazing girl to see.

"Don't be silly. They're best friends and so are we," She bumped her hip into mine a little making a grimace form on my lips. The skin that she touched was now experiencing a slight burning sensation as she kneeled down to pick up the damp bird. "Here," She handed me him and I cradled him in my arms.

"I think Rebel and him are a bit more than friends," I chuckled seeing Rebel getting jealous underneath us.

"Fine, friends with benefits," She chuckled ruffling the penguins fur.

"Wanna lay down?" I inquired sitting on the hardwood floor. She nodded sitting down next to me. She leaned her head onto my chest putting her legs out the opposite way from me. We sat in silence listening to the penguins chirping and our own breathing. It was quiet & serene. I couldn't ask for anything more.

"How was rehersal?" Sydney broke the silence turning her cheek bone so her eyes could see my countenance.

"Fine. We were hearing out the new song for our movie."

She scoffed, "One movie I'll be forced into seeing, right?"

"You know you'll be begging on your hands and knee's for me to take you,"

"Dream on, lover boy." She giggled. Her giggle was so contagious making me laugh with her. After our laughing fit I felt vibrations coming from her pocket. She sat up making cold air cover up the area she had once lay.

"Why?-uhhuh.- Yep.- Unless Ryan Goslin Naked is standing in my bedroom then no I'm not coming home. -Why?- Amanda.- You're impossible.- Fine, bye."

"Who was that?" I inquired sitting up with her.

"Duty calls at home,"

"What duty exactly?"

"Not sure, Amanda just sounded stressed. She said I had to come home immediatly."

"Yikes, she sounds like my Mum,"

"You get used to it," She shrugged standing up from the floor.

"What are we going to do with the penguins?" I asked glancing back at them. They were happily cuddling in the puddle of water.

"I'm sure one of the employee's will put them back for me; its their food time soon anyway. I wouldn't worry about it," She reassured. I nodded following her back outside. She walked with me towards my car and she slipped into the passenger seat effortlessly. I walked around to help her close her door and got in on the opposite side.

When we got back to her place their were several cars in the driveway, right away Sydney must have recognized them.

"We've got company," She sighed.

"I've got some things to do, so do you mind if I catch up with you later?" I spoke.

"No problem, I'll call you later,"

"Bye Syd," She waved at me before walking up the stairs. I hope everything was going to be okay with her.

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