Chapter 33

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Chapter 34

*Sydney's P.O.V*

24 days.

11 hours.

17 minutes.

13 seconds in counting.

I've spent nearly a month in this torturous house. There was to much to say about one buildng. I could start at the smell but that would just lead me into multitudes of directions. Don't get me started on how my jobs were to clean the toilets. Those smells were worse than anything you could ever imagine. My Aunt had definetly kept her promise about cleaning cow scurry. I missed the penguins more than anything. My Aunt wasn't hostile with me, she was just strict. I hadn't touched my cellphone since the first night and when she spotted me with it in my hands she didn't take any less than a few seconds to toss it in her draw of god knows what in her desk. See my Aunt is a very reserved lady. She kept a journal and a little drawer in her desk inside her bedroom. If her children ever did so much as look at her desk I wouldn't doubt they would be joining me by the toilet.

Annabelle was just plain obnoxious. She would snoop through my suitcase, always quizing me on why I was standing next to Niall Horan. I wasn't surprised to how both of the girls had a soft spot for the boy band. But I was surprised how well I had hidden from the magazines and paperazi's. I guess they got bored. Annabelle would yell at me constantly throughout the day to help her brush her hair, read her a story, or even play dolls with her. It was beginning to seam like my Aunt didn't want me here at all. She just wanted the nanny. When the girls went to school and my Aunt went to work that was my only quiet time. I would head into town; which wasn't much of a town at all. It was a few stores with a telephone booth here and there. I would choose the closest one that wasn't occupied and call Niall. Sometimes I called Zayn or Liam. But Harry and Louis were never on that list. Those boys were honestly all I had left. Hypothetically of course. I still had my parents; but they only dared to call me once a month at the least.

After I made a few phone calls I would walk back home - since the prohibition of the cars - and watch as much television I could handle until the family came back home. After that Aunt Linda always had some sort of cruel chores for me to do. The worst I had endured was on a sunday afternoon. The sun was finally coming out and it was an abnormaly hot day for march. Especially on the outskirts of London. She required me to drop to knee deep of cow poop and dig for chicken eggs. To how they got there; I honestly don't know. I didn't really know why my aunt was so into farming. I guess it was something my first uncle was into. Someone as big as my Aunt couldn't really maneuver enough to tend to the plants or animals. There were a miniscule about of them - only including chickens - but they were enough to make my back ache at night.

I wasn't completely miserable; atleast I had a roof over my head and food on my table. Niall would be back in no longer than a month and I was most concerned about his arrival. I didn't want to tell him I had been spending my time at my Aunt's. He already knew enough to say she was a incorribly evil person. I couldn't ask one of the girls for a temporary home, for god sake I hadn't talked to any of them in months.

But some how I was getting over it.

I was getting over the fact they would never like me because they were underneath the spell of the most wicked girl I know. I swear my life was beginning to sound like the wizard of oz.

At about 12 o clock my Aunt made a phone call to the house. I hesitently picked up the phone and spoke a greeting wearily.

"Sydney. Like I had requested upon earlier I would like you to visit me in town. I want you to see what a real office looks like. Maybe you can even apply for a job,"

"I don't know if thats a good idea," I said calmly.

"Whats the worst that could happen? Plus I'm sure you'll appreciate less chores when we depart,"

"I really don't want to."

"Well I really don't care," She snapped.

"I said no," I said yet again. My calmness overall seemed to be really throwing her off guard.

"Hmm," She hummed. "You'll regret that desicion when I return home."

"I'm sure I won't,"

"You really are your mothers daughter," She laughed menicingly. I hung up swiftly and slammed the phone in its case. I knew I didn't have much time to go into town so I decided to make a search for my cellphone. Its not like she had it locked up or something. I placed my foot on the bottom of the stairs focusing on her door intently. The house was dead silent, even a pin drop could have easily been heard. I made my decend up the stair case and stopped at her door. Just by my arrival the pressure swung the door open with a creaky sound. The sound sent quick chills up my back and soon goose bumps were crawling on my arms. I glanced around the room seeing it looked normal. Nothing I had imagined it would be. Then again I imagined she would have blood thirsty tigers in here or something.

I stepped to the corner of the room to find the same desk she had warned us not to touch. At this point, I was beyond caring. I opened up the drawer seeing multitudes of credit cards, report cards from the girls, and my phone lying in the back. I picked it up gently making sure she didn't booby trap it or something and made my way back into my bedroom.

I turned it on sighing in relief that there was still some battery left. I had several messages from Zayn, Liam, and Niall. Even one from Louis. A call was from my Dad and then there was one from my Boss. I chose to call my Boss first seeing it was probably something stupid that I could just get over it.

"I thought you'd never call," She said through the phone.

"Well I did. What did you need?"

"You left your jacket here," Bam. Whoop there it is. I knew it was something small and useless. I gave her a quick alright and turned off the dialer quickly. Similar messages from either boys said things like where have you been or I miss you. One from Niall really stood out.

From Niall: You honestly can't imagine how much I miss you. Things have been hectic with Harry lately. I don't know what happened to your phone but I just hope you okay. The boys keep telling me not to freak out but I can't help it. We're stopping in London next week to visit the girls - Harry's idea - but Harry and I have been quite silent. I'm getting worried; call me when you can. Miss you so much x

I was about to text him out a nice long message saying I had just lost my phone and to have fun with the girls until I heard a door slam down stairs. Not long after my Aunt was coming through the door with wide eyes.

"You're a little bitch," She spoke.

"Its my phone. I payed for it; you're not my mother!" I retaliated.

"You live under my roof. You live under my rules." She gritted her teeth puffing with anger. She stepped forward almost face to face with me.

"You can't tell me what to do," Right when I had finished my sentence a hard sensation came to my cheek. It was burning and I automatically brought my hand to where the hurt had started.

My Aunt had hit me.

Author's Note:

Sorry it was kind of short; the next chapter will be good I swear. The real drama thats semi cute and stuff will be coming soon. Keep in mind her Aunt won't kill her or anything. Her Aunt's just mentally unstable. This is trying to be as realistic as possible. I mean it doesn't make sense for her to drop everything and move to the US. Also would you want to give your best friend the worry that you're with an Aunt who has hit her daughters? I wouldn't. That's why she's keeping it from Niall.

By the way; besides this chapter I will now be updating on Wednesdays and Sundays. If you want an update earlier just vote and comment :)

Give me 10 votes and 5 comments to see what happens next !


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